Oh man - only three more sleeps until we step foot on our blessed Maine soil! Whoo-hoo! The three of us can hardly wait! I got out our suitcases today to start packing and Kaden asked what they were for. As soon as I said that we're taking them to Grammy and Grampy's house, he exclaimed "OH!" and promptly hopped in one of them! Every day he asks if today is the day that we can go see Grammy and Grampy?! We can all hardly stand it. It's been six months for Kev since he's been home.
Exams are finally done for Kev. He still has a twelve page paper that he has to whip off before we head home, and we still need to pack - but the end is drawing near. We have a church Christmas party tonight, and we're going to do our family Christmas tomorrow. After that, church on Sunday, and off we go to Maine at 4:30 on Monday morning! Merry Christmas, all!
Midwives and Birthing Centers....
Because my last birthing experience was so yucky for both Kev and I, we have decided to go the midwife/birthing center route for this next labor and delivery. One of my dear friends out here has paved the way for me in going to this one specific birthing center which she loves and raves about. So, last week, Kev and I had our first appointment here.....and we BOTH loved it! I wasn't sure if Kev would go for the whole birthing center route, but he now hates hospitals as well, so it works out quite nicely.
There are only two midwives at this facility - one is my age! We go to our appointments downstairs and we labor and deliver upstairs. When I had my appointment, I discovered that there was someone upstairs in labor, so I made it a point to listen as carefully as I could to make sure that the walls were sound proof - and they are; I heard nothing. Phew!
With these women, we can choose to either give birth at home, at the birthing center, or at one specific hospital where the midwives will still have full control. Our apartment is just out of their realm of travel for a home birth -which I guess is okay since we live in a complex with paper thin walls and since Kev hasn't been real thrilled with that whole idea all along! So, for now, our choice is to use the birthing center - unless there are complications towards the end of my labor in which I will have no choice but to go to the hospital.
Either way, though, I'm thinking and hoping that this experience will be far more positive than the last. These women are holistic, they are content to wait and let you work, and they will first use more natural methods for everything before rushing such yuckyness as pitocin, cutting, and the like. It was a very positive experience overall, and although for a brief moment I had the thought of, "Oh my, we truly ARE doing this all over again!" I really feel excited and encouraged. :0)
There are only two midwives at this facility - one is my age! We go to our appointments downstairs and we labor and deliver upstairs. When I had my appointment, I discovered that there was someone upstairs in labor, so I made it a point to listen as carefully as I could to make sure that the walls were sound proof - and they are; I heard nothing. Phew!
With these women, we can choose to either give birth at home, at the birthing center, or at one specific hospital where the midwives will still have full control. Our apartment is just out of their realm of travel for a home birth -which I guess is okay since we live in a complex with paper thin walls and since Kev hasn't been real thrilled with that whole idea all along! So, for now, our choice is to use the birthing center - unless there are complications towards the end of my labor in which I will have no choice but to go to the hospital.
Either way, though, I'm thinking and hoping that this experience will be far more positive than the last. These women are holistic, they are content to wait and let you work, and they will first use more natural methods for everything before rushing such yuckyness as pitocin, cutting, and the like. It was a very positive experience overall, and although for a brief moment I had the thought of, "Oh my, we truly ARE doing this all over again!" I really feel excited and encouraged. :0)
First Ultrasound - It's For Real!
I had my first ultrasound yesterday. I LOVE ultrasounds! I finally makes things "real," you know? And yes, there truly is a baby in my tummy! The whole family came along for the event, so it was really fun and special. We want Kaden to be as much a part of the whole process as possible....to kind of prepare him every step of the way. He sat totally mesmerized while he watched the baby kicking his (her?) arms and legs and moving all around on the screen! It was SO cool! I am actually a bit farther along than I thought; I'm at 14 weeks as opposed to the 10 that I thought. This makes me feel a little better about my already expanding girth!!! So, this puts my due date at around June 10th - ironically Kaden's exact due date (except, I was induced two weeks early). Good times! The baby will be born before the real humidity of summer sets in. For this I am truly thankful! My next ultrasound is on January 14th. We have until then to decide if we want to find out the sex of the baby. As of right now, we're thinking we'll keep it a surprise. We'll see.......
Funny Potty Story
I promise - I will try to make this the last of the "potty posts" for awhile. I just have to tell this one funny story that happened in church yesterday. I apologize if this offends anyone's sense of "propriety." This story is ALL Kaden and truly emphasizes the phrase, "Out of the mouths of babes...."
In the nursery at our church there is a small child's bathroom with a kid sized potty. Kaden was quite impressed with this and liked that he could get up and down totally by himself. Anyway, in the afternoon right before music practice he told me that he had to go poop, so we went in and did our thing. When he got off the potty, he looked inside at his "deposit" and said, "OH! I made a snake.....and it has teeth on it!" Oh my word - I died laughing. Well, one of the lady's on our worship team (who thankfully is very down-to-earth and NOT prim and proper at all) walked into the nursery and asked Kaden what he was doing. He proudly proclaimed, "I made a POOP SNAKE!" So, now WHENEVER he sits on the potty he says, "I'm going to try to make more snakes." Oh my. Too funny.
In the nursery at our church there is a small child's bathroom with a kid sized potty. Kaden was quite impressed with this and liked that he could get up and down totally by himself. Anyway, in the afternoon right before music practice he told me that he had to go poop, so we went in and did our thing. When he got off the potty, he looked inside at his "deposit" and said, "OH! I made a snake.....and it has teeth on it!" Oh my word - I died laughing. Well, one of the lady's on our worship team (who thankfully is very down-to-earth and NOT prim and proper at all) walked into the nursery and asked Kaden what he was doing. He proudly proclaimed, "I made a POOP SNAKE!" So, now WHENEVER he sits on the potty he says, "I'm going to try to make more snakes." Oh my. Too funny.
1st day of the hunt

I got my deer at 7:30am on Monday morning, opening day of the season here. A nice big doe came out about 7:00am, but I didn't have a doe permit. I was pretty bummed, but I guess it was a good thing! He was about 35 yards away and dropped right there. We have about 80lbs. of meet in the freezer now! Tastes real good! I'm going to have my buddy Kevin mount it for me. The rack has a 20" spread on the inside--
7 pointer. I am very thankful for the whole experience!
Drum Roll Please....
I must brag on my little boy today. This is the fourth morning of our potty training week, AND we have had NO ACCIDENTS since day #1!! He is even staying dry through his naps! I'm a little hesitant to say that he is completely day time potty trained, but man, I feel that he is pretty darn close. I haven't even used the timer to remind him since the first day. He comes and tells me when he has to do either #1 or #2, and then we just run to the bathroom and make a large deal out of the whole entire process! :0)
AND...I must brag some more.....even though he was only day #3 into his training, I decided to go to MOPS anyway yesterday. Instead of wearing normal underwear on him, I just put a pull up on, feeling certain that he would probably have an accident. This is a new place with a new potty and new people who he would have to tell. BUT, when I came to get him after my meeting, the ladies told me that he came right up to them and told them that he had to go, and he even went in a strange place on a big toilet with no potty seat!
I am just so proud of him and how quickly he's grasped this concept! I really feel like I haven't even done much to help him understand. It's like now that he's grasped the concept, he totally undestands. I think my lazyness in waiting until he was two in a half before starting has made this whole process a whole lot easier!! This is my new philosophy, anyway. I'm waiting until two and a half for all of them from now on!
All that to say - I am fully expecting for there to be more accidents along the way. I'm sure that we are nowhere near the end of this training process, but I am just SO thankful that each day since the first has not been a repeat of day #1. That was NOT my favorite! :0) So - thank you to all who thought of us and prayed for us. Have a great day!
AND...I must brag some more.....even though he was only day #3 into his training, I decided to go to MOPS anyway yesterday. Instead of wearing normal underwear on him, I just put a pull up on, feeling certain that he would probably have an accident. This is a new place with a new potty and new people who he would have to tell. BUT, when I came to get him after my meeting, the ladies told me that he came right up to them and told them that he had to go, and he even went in a strange place on a big toilet with no potty seat!
I am just so proud of him and how quickly he's grasped this concept! I really feel like I haven't even done much to help him understand. It's like now that he's grasped the concept, he totally undestands. I think my lazyness in waiting until he was two in a half before starting has made this whole process a whole lot easier!! This is my new philosophy, anyway. I'm waiting until two and a half for all of them from now on!
All that to say - I am fully expecting for there to be more accidents along the way. I'm sure that we are nowhere near the end of this training process, but I am just SO thankful that each day since the first has not been a repeat of day #1. That was NOT my favorite! :0) So - thank you to all who thought of us and prayed for us. Have a great day!
First of all, let me just state that this is NOT the way that I would normally broadcast our news for the first time for some of you to read, but I am having no luck reaching some of you via the phone, and as news flies fast, I fear that this may be the only way that some of you at least "read" it first from my fingers - even if you do not necessarily "hear" it first from my lips. So, especially for Angie, Shannie, and Kristi......I do so badly want to chat with you VERY soon, but just in case we end up playing phone tag for weeks, hopefully you at least read the news first from me rather than get it second hand.
O.k. here goes.......WE ARE PREGNANT! Yep. Very exciting. I haven't been to the midwife yet, but we think that we're about ten weeks along. This is a little bit earlier than we shared when we were pregnant with Kaden, but I feel like second time around it's a little different. We're so far away from home, and I think that even if something happened and I miscarried, I would still tell everyone anyway. So, rather than say, "Hey, by the way, I was pregnant for two months but I miscarried," I would rather have the ones that I love walk the entire journey with us from the beginning. That's my philosophy anyway.
So, we are both really thrilled. We really didn't want there to be ANY more than three years between our kids (if we could have our way), and we also did not want to put our family on hold for school. If our calculations are correct, we are due at end of June or early July - RIGHT IN THE HEAT OF THE PHILLY SUMMER (Praise the Lord), but my schooling wraps up mid-June, so that's pretty perfect. Kev will be right in the middle of his internship, so it will be a little crazy, but such is life. We are thankful and feel so blessed. So far, I feel really good; just a little sleepy and queasy if I don't eat. But, other than that, I have absolutely NO complaints.
As much as Kaden understands, he is excited. When I ask him what Mommy has in her tummy, he whispers, "A baby for Kaden." From day to day it changes as to whether he wants a boy or a girl! So.......that's our exciting news. Feeling blessed and filled to overflowing......
O.k. here goes.......WE ARE PREGNANT! Yep. Very exciting. I haven't been to the midwife yet, but we think that we're about ten weeks along. This is a little bit earlier than we shared when we were pregnant with Kaden, but I feel like second time around it's a little different. We're so far away from home, and I think that even if something happened and I miscarried, I would still tell everyone anyway. So, rather than say, "Hey, by the way, I was pregnant for two months but I miscarried," I would rather have the ones that I love walk the entire journey with us from the beginning. That's my philosophy anyway.
So, we are both really thrilled. We really didn't want there to be ANY more than three years between our kids (if we could have our way), and we also did not want to put our family on hold for school. If our calculations are correct, we are due at end of June or early July - RIGHT IN THE HEAT OF THE PHILLY SUMMER (Praise the Lord), but my schooling wraps up mid-June, so that's pretty perfect. Kev will be right in the middle of his internship, so it will be a little crazy, but such is life. We are thankful and feel so blessed. So far, I feel really good; just a little sleepy and queasy if I don't eat. But, other than that, I have absolutely NO complaints.
As much as Kaden understands, he is excited. When I ask him what Mommy has in her tummy, he whispers, "A baby for Kaden." From day to day it changes as to whether he wants a boy or a girl! So.......that's our exciting news. Feeling blessed and filled to overflowing......
Potty Training 101...Take Two
Since Thanksgiving is over, my Psychology work is complete, and we have only three weeks left until we head for the great country up North for the Christmas Holiday, I thought that this would be a good time to really buckle down and do the potty training for real this time.
I told Kaden right before he fell asleep last night of the plan to go into "big boy underwear" today and to start going on the big boy potty. He enthusiastically agreed that today would be a "good idea." So......here's the download of how things went this morning. The plan is that we set the timer, and every 15-20 minutes we go and sit on the potty. Kaden gets boatloads of drinks all throughout the day to help the process move along and a treat after each success. Bribery is a beautiful thing.
7:15 - Kaden wakes up with a super wet diaper from the night before. We immediately go into
big boy underwear with all pep talks included.
7:50 - Kaden yells, "I peeing RIGHT NOW!" and promptly gives me a small pond on the floor.
8:50 - KADEN PEES ON THE POTTY FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! We are both totally pumped!
Kaden gets a treat and Mommy does, too.
9:10 - Yet another small pond on the floor.
9:30 - Pond #3 on the floor. (Mommy is feeling slightly exasperated but is trying to keep a
positive vibe going. In my head I am yelling: ALL I SAID WAS, "SHOULD WE TRY
TO GO AND POTTY AGAIN?" I meant - once we arrive to the bathroom - not NOW!!!"
9:55 - SUCCESS!!! Pee #2 on the potty! Thank you, Lord!
10:20 - Maybe we're starting to get this thing down. Pee #3 on the potty!
11:00 - Minor step backwards. Large pond on my countertop, no less, while he is helping me
fix us a snack. Lord, have mercy.
And.....nothing after this until naptime. To start out, I think I'm going to put him back in diapers for naps and bedtimes until we get the daytime conquered. Loving the song...."I've got a river of life flowing out of me".......Will keep you updated on the glorious going's on in the Booker household. In case any of you are wondering, I AM totally sanitizing all areas where pee has touched. Good times!
I told Kaden right before he fell asleep last night of the plan to go into "big boy underwear" today and to start going on the big boy potty. He enthusiastically agreed that today would be a "good idea." So......here's the download of how things went this morning. The plan is that we set the timer, and every 15-20 minutes we go and sit on the potty. Kaden gets boatloads of drinks all throughout the day to help the process move along and a treat after each success. Bribery is a beautiful thing.
7:15 - Kaden wakes up with a super wet diaper from the night before. We immediately go into
big boy underwear with all pep talks included.
7:50 - Kaden yells, "I peeing RIGHT NOW!" and promptly gives me a small pond on the floor.
8:50 - KADEN PEES ON THE POTTY FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! We are both totally pumped!
Kaden gets a treat and Mommy does, too.
9:10 - Yet another small pond on the floor.
9:30 - Pond #3 on the floor. (Mommy is feeling slightly exasperated but is trying to keep a
positive vibe going. In my head I am yelling: ALL I SAID WAS, "SHOULD WE TRY
TO GO AND POTTY AGAIN?" I meant - once we arrive to the bathroom - not NOW!!!"
9:55 - SUCCESS!!! Pee #2 on the potty! Thank you, Lord!
10:20 - Maybe we're starting to get this thing down. Pee #3 on the potty!
11:00 - Minor step backwards. Large pond on my countertop, no less, while he is helping me
fix us a snack. Lord, have mercy.
And.....nothing after this until naptime. To start out, I think I'm going to put him back in diapers for naps and bedtimes until we get the daytime conquered. Loving the song...."I've got a river of life flowing out of me".......Will keep you updated on the glorious going's on in the Booker household. In case any of you are wondering, I AM totally sanitizing all areas where pee has touched. Good times!
Lord willing, you will never have to hear or read such phrases as: "Blasted Psychology" or "Psychology Schmycology" ever ever again. Do you know why? BECAUSE I'M FINISHED MY FINAL PAPER!!! Oh my, this is so very exhilarating. In retrospect, it's not even that the course was all that difficult - it was an Introduction to Psychology course - nothing advanced. However, because it was a correspondence situation that allows you to go at your own pace over a period of a year, it can just seem to drag on and on and on. I had until March to finish this final assignment, but it's just been hanging over my head for weeks and stressing me to no end. I don't like this vast amount of freedom for getting assignments done. I much prefer a bit more of a pressure situation, I guess. I like closer deadlines. So, now - praise Jesus - it is finished, and I can move on to more exciting and important things like figuring out Christmas gifts for people and enjoying our tree.......and Old Testament Prophets....yeesh....but not for a few more days. I need to revel in the success of one more completed class. I am so happy! Aaaand soooo sleepy....only....four....more.....courses to take.....zzzzzzzz.
P.S. - Our tree looks fantabulous! Kaden preferred much more to secretly stash our ornaments away into his own little box than to put them on the tree, but he loves the finished product, as well. When all was said and done, he proclaimed: "I love our tree. It's super fun!" I couldn't have said it better myself! :0) Good night, all. I'm off to la la land.
P.S. - Our tree looks fantabulous! Kaden preferred much more to secretly stash our ornaments away into his own little box than to put them on the tree, but he loves the finished product, as well. When all was said and done, he proclaimed: "I love our tree. It's super fun!" I couldn't have said it better myself! :0) Good night, all. I'm off to la la land.
It's Beginning to FEEL a lot like Christmas!!
Well, although once again the weather is in the high 60's today, it sure is beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas in the Booker household. We found the coolest spot to cut down our tree this year. We went clear to Jersey last year to cut one down, because everyone we talked to around here just seemed to always get their tree at Wal-Mart. This country girl MUST choose and cut her own. It's tradition! So, we found the greatest spot called Carousel Village at Indian Walk. (Weird, eh?) This is a whole mini "village" that gives hay rides all around the tree farm, carousel and train rides, sells food, and has a couple of little antique and Christmas shops to browse around in.
We spent our entire morning at this little place riding on the hay ride, scoping out the perfect tree, and checking out the little shops. It was SO much fun! They even had a mini animal farm to look at with emus and ostriches walking around! (Random choices of animals)!
Kaden got a little bored when Mommy couldn't find the perfect tree. So, finally I just told Kev to choose one and chop it down. Come to think of it, I think there has only been one year where I actually made the choice of our tree! Well, he found the cutest chubby little tree that I just love! Seriously, I would have a tree up in my home all year round if I could.
So, now it sits - naked in our tree stand until Kaden awakens from his nap. We're doing it piece meal this year. It will be an all day event! So, while he sleeps, Kev is off doing a numb cultural study for one of his classes, and I'm going to attempt to get a huge handle on this blasted Psychology paper. But, when that little boy awakens - no more work for us! No siree!!!
We spent our entire morning at this little place riding on the hay ride, scoping out the perfect tree, and checking out the little shops. It was SO much fun! They even had a mini animal farm to look at with emus and ostriches walking around! (Random choices of animals)!
Kaden got a little bored when Mommy couldn't find the perfect tree. So, finally I just told Kev to choose one and chop it down. Come to think of it, I think there has only been one year where I actually made the choice of our tree! Well, he found the cutest chubby little tree that I just love! Seriously, I would have a tree up in my home all year round if I could.
So, now it sits - naked in our tree stand until Kaden awakens from his nap. We're doing it piece meal this year. It will be an all day event! So, while he sleeps, Kev is off doing a numb cultural study for one of his classes, and I'm going to attempt to get a huge handle on this blasted Psychology paper. But, when that little boy awakens - no more work for us! No siree!!!
Back to the Ole Grind
Oh man - only ONE month until we get to come home for Christmas to see our friends and family and stay for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!! But, until then, Amy has much work to be done. Chapter one of my final book project is complete, and for that I am thankful, but I am just beginning that huge project. I really want to get a huge Psychology paper written within the next couple of weeks, get really far ahead in my next PBU class before I come home, AND figure out what class I could possibly test out of next. Joy unspeakable. I am on the homeward stretch though. Other than my final project, I only have two classes through PBU left to take, and two Gen Ed courses. Praise be.....
It is tank top and capri weather today, we're going to get our Christmas tree and decorate for Christmas tomorrow, and it's the week-end for goodness sake! How am I supposed to concentrate?! Ai yi yi......
It is tank top and capri weather today, we're going to get our Christmas tree and decorate for Christmas tomorrow, and it's the week-end for goodness sake! How am I supposed to concentrate?! Ai yi yi......
Giving Thanks
We had such an awesome day yesterday with friends and our new "family" away from home! A staff member from the school invited all of us young couples from PBU who couldn't make it home to their families, over to their big home to spend the day. So, rather than all of us cramming into one little apartment over here, we actually got to be in a beautiful home eating a feast off of their china! There were about twenty-five people at this staff member's house! We stayed all day and into the evening eating, sharing blessings, playing games, and just talking and talking.
I LOVE this new family that I met! Their parents have died, and their siblings live away. But, rather than sit home and pine for how "things used to be" they opened their home to a boatload of people that they have NEVER met before and just really served and blessed us! We all brought food to share, but other than that - they wouldn't let us do anything! They did the dishes, packed up our food, AND played with our children! I want to bless people like this!
Kaden took a three hour nap over there, thoroughly enjoyed his meal, totally flirted with this family's two daughters, and had blast with their little dog. When we got into the car on the way home I asked if he had a great day, and he said, "That was SUPER fun!" I couldn't agree more!
I LOVE this new family that I met! Their parents have died, and their siblings live away. But, rather than sit home and pine for how "things used to be" they opened their home to a boatload of people that they have NEVER met before and just really served and blessed us! We all brought food to share, but other than that - they wouldn't let us do anything! They did the dishes, packed up our food, AND played with our children! I want to bless people like this!
Kaden took a three hour nap over there, thoroughly enjoyed his meal, totally flirted with this family's two daughters, and had blast with their little dog. When we got into the car on the way home I asked if he had a great day, and he said, "That was SUPER fun!" I couldn't agree more!
Lazy Crazy Saturdays-ies!
I love Saturdays! I live for them! Kev has a fairly rigid rule that he strictly abides by, and that he tries to enforce on me (which I don't mind) - and that is: no homework on our day off! It is strictly a family day! Even during Kaden's nap, we should not do homework! Must admit - when an assignment is due, sometimes this is a little hard on me, but oh so necessary for my "retentive" personality when it comes to schoolwork.
So, today, for our family adventure, we went to one of our favorite state parks around here - Ralph Stover State Park. It's about forty-five minutes away, in a very private location, with a rushing river and lots of beautiful trails to hike and explore. We came here one other time this summer and brought a picnic and just played in the water all day.
It was a little chillier today, but we still brought nets and things to try and catch crayfish etc. Well, we were not there more than ten minutes when Kaden fell headlong into the water! We were throwing rocks, and the momentum of him throwing a pretty big rock made him take a couple of extra steps forward which sent him right into the river where he kept right on going until he fell down onto his hands and knees! I was right beside him, and it was just like I was watching a movie - I didn't even move. But, once I saw him down, I gasped and ran in after him and got drenched from knees to toes!
Well - normally, I have entire changes of clothing for my child. Not today, of course. So, we're digging through the car - trying to find things to change Kaden into. He's not even crying, but his lips were blue. I think he was in shock! We finally found an extra shirt and jacket for him, but no pants or shoes. So, Kev came up with a brilliant plan to put one of his long sleeved shirts onto Kaden for some makeshift pants. His legs went into Kev's sleeves, and then we just tied a huge knot around his waist to keep the shirt up. I found a dry pair of socks, so we put those on and then some plastic sandwich bags over them so that we could put his wet shoes back on. Oh my word - he looked hysterical - just like a little hobo! We went to a little sandwich shop for lunch and got some pretty funny looks from people. My pride made me tell the story to anyone who stared, because I didn't want them thinking that I normally dress him this way!
Oh my - a crazy, fun day. A necessary day from the wildness of life. And, a great memory day!
So, today, for our family adventure, we went to one of our favorite state parks around here - Ralph Stover State Park. It's about forty-five minutes away, in a very private location, with a rushing river and lots of beautiful trails to hike and explore. We came here one other time this summer and brought a picnic and just played in the water all day.
It was a little chillier today, but we still brought nets and things to try and catch crayfish etc. Well, we were not there more than ten minutes when Kaden fell headlong into the water! We were throwing rocks, and the momentum of him throwing a pretty big rock made him take a couple of extra steps forward which sent him right into the river where he kept right on going until he fell down onto his hands and knees! I was right beside him, and it was just like I was watching a movie - I didn't even move. But, once I saw him down, I gasped and ran in after him and got drenched from knees to toes!
Well - normally, I have entire changes of clothing for my child. Not today, of course. So, we're digging through the car - trying to find things to change Kaden into. He's not even crying, but his lips were blue. I think he was in shock! We finally found an extra shirt and jacket for him, but no pants or shoes. So, Kev came up with a brilliant plan to put one of his long sleeved shirts onto Kaden for some makeshift pants. His legs went into Kev's sleeves, and then we just tied a huge knot around his waist to keep the shirt up. I found a dry pair of socks, so we put those on and then some plastic sandwich bags over them so that we could put his wet shoes back on. Oh my word - he looked hysterical - just like a little hobo! We went to a little sandwich shop for lunch and got some pretty funny looks from people. My pride made me tell the story to anyone who stared, because I didn't want them thinking that I normally dress him this way!
Oh my - a crazy, fun day. A necessary day from the wildness of life. And, a great memory day!
Happy Thanksgiving......a wee bit early!
Oh man - I am just getting SO excited for Thanksgiving......and I'm not even going home! That's pretty good! :0) It really is a very fun event here in the married students' complex. This will be the second year of our new tradition, and it is soooo much fun. All of us marrieds who can't make the trip home all get together for a HUGE potluck! We all bring our favorites that remind us of home and we cram into someone's apartment that's been all decorated festively. We eat off of china, talk of our own traditions back home, share blessings, play games, and just spend the entire day together. It is so so fun. For one entire day, we all come together and we become each other's family away from home. It really is such a blessing. We're all in the same stage of life together - we're all taking this crazy journey of having left home, friends, and family to come back to school - and we all just understand where each other is coming from and where we are going. It's a really special time. AND THEN......on that very Saturday following Thanksgiving, we go to get our Christmas trees! Oh, good times! Because we all travel home to see our families for the actual Christmas holiday, we need to get our own trees early so that we will have time to enjoy them. And every year gets more and more fun with Kaden! I love it! Other than the cold, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Fun! Fun! God bless you, my friends!
He is a Baby No More
Our little man has moved into a big boy bed! Oh my word - what a bittersweet event! We actually didn't think this transition would happen so easily or quickly - he is so timid about life! So, we just set everything up on Saturday afternoon thinking that we'd leave it and the crib in his room for a couple of days and just let him play on it and get used to it before we took the crib out at the beginning of the week. Well, he would have none of this! He wanted to sleep in it the very first night. He said, "My no baby anymore, Mommy. My big boy now." (His grammar is a little lacking, I know). So, we went with it. It was SO cute! We took tons of pictures and video footage and made a big deal out of it. Wellll, he only lasted for about an hour before he decided that maybe he would sleep in his crib for ONE more night! We didn't push it as the next day was Sunday and a very long day for us. However, the very next night, we tried it again, and other than him toppling out head first into a basket that I had beside his bed at 1:00 in the morning, he did great! He doesn't even remember, so we're not reminding him. However, both Kev and I almost peed our pants laughing! Kaden now gets so excited for nap time and bed time, and he keeps telling us how much he loves his new big boy bed. Too cute! AND, he has, thus far, obeyed us and not gotten out until he asks us if he can! Very exciting. Okay, now that this is conquered, on to the potty training!......Maybe I'll wait until the Maine gang leaves our place and start fresh the next week! My new goal is to be trained by Christmas! I'll keep you posted......Good times in the Booker household!
Was It A Phase?
Well, I feel I must post again on the attitudes and actions of my little boy. I'm sure that there will be more to come in the future - many phases - but I fear I made my little boy out to be a tyrant. Gone is the terrible two-ness and in its place stands - at least for now - my little Kaden who keeps saying, "I obey Mommy the first time....it makes Jesus happy." This stage -Round One - of telling us "no" and disobeying, at least for now, is over. Kev says I should always wait a little while to blog before I just puke out what's going on in our lives, since everything changes so quickly! Who knows....maybe in a week, my tyrant will have returned! Good times! Such is the life of a toddler. For now, I am simply thoroughly enjoying his sweet spirit and the fact that he is learning how to make Jesus happy.
Other news....Mr. & Mrs. Keezer had a sleep over with us on Sunday night! Such fun. We ate lots of junk and watched "Nacho Libre." Kev and Gret slept through the last half of it, but Bri and I made it through. Oh my - what a numb movie. It's Kev's new fave. Funny!
Okay, I am off to conquer laundry. I know you're all gasping at the shortness of this blog!!!
Other news....Mr. & Mrs. Keezer had a sleep over with us on Sunday night! Such fun. We ate lots of junk and watched "Nacho Libre." Kev and Gret slept through the last half of it, but Bri and I made it through. Oh my - what a numb movie. It's Kev's new fave. Funny!
Okay, I am off to conquer laundry. I know you're all gasping at the shortness of this blog!!!
In Whatsoever "State" I am in, I will be Content
.....even in Philly.... in a place where there was just a huge drug bust next door yesterday that made the front page of today's paper. It's not like there aren't any drugs or rapes that take place in Maine...it's just not my favorite that they keep occuring right in my very back yard.
Anyway, that's the news here. By the way, I realize that my previous blog somehow posted twice. I just need to wait for Kev to fix it, as I cannot figure out how to delete it, but I am aware that it's there. Also, can anyone tell me how to add new people's links to my blog? I am absolutely computer illiterate, I am ashamed to say. Scott and Esther did this whole blog for us to begin with. Which...by the way, I am feeling the itch to change my background. Any wisdom there, as well? I could just wait till you guys come down next month, I guess. It's not like you'll be busy with a van load of teenagers, or anything! :0)
So, I am seriously praying about dropping one of my random babysitting jobs. Three mornings a week I am waking Kaden a whole hour early to go to this family's house. Although he loves the kids and has a blast while he's there, I am wondering if him being more tired is adding to his "two-ish" behavior. Even if it is not, I am missing our lazy mornings together and am getting a little tired of the rat race. Although the extra money is helpful, both Kev and I feel that a more happy, sane, and tranquil family is worth the sacrifice!
Wow - this is one of THE most boring blogs I have ever posted!!! Sorry, to the three of you who read it! :0) Ha! Will try to think of more exciting things to write later.
Anyway, that's the news here. By the way, I realize that my previous blog somehow posted twice. I just need to wait for Kev to fix it, as I cannot figure out how to delete it, but I am aware that it's there. Also, can anyone tell me how to add new people's links to my blog? I am absolutely computer illiterate, I am ashamed to say. Scott and Esther did this whole blog for us to begin with. Which...by the way, I am feeling the itch to change my background. Any wisdom there, as well? I could just wait till you guys come down next month, I guess. It's not like you'll be busy with a van load of teenagers, or anything! :0)
So, I am seriously praying about dropping one of my random babysitting jobs. Three mornings a week I am waking Kaden a whole hour early to go to this family's house. Although he loves the kids and has a blast while he's there, I am wondering if him being more tired is adding to his "two-ish" behavior. Even if it is not, I am missing our lazy mornings together and am getting a little tired of the rat race. Although the extra money is helpful, both Kev and I feel that a more happy, sane, and tranquil family is worth the sacrifice!
Wow - this is one of THE most boring blogs I have ever posted!!! Sorry, to the three of you who read it! :0) Ha! Will try to think of more exciting things to write later.
Long Time No Blog
Hard to believe it's been almost a month since I sat down and wrote a little ditty....or as my blogs tend to go, a long ditty. Kev and I have just completed one of the longest and most tiring weeks of our lives, and I must say that I am glad it is over. Kev had a HUGE paper that he needed to write to finish a grad course, and I had a HUGE "Psycho"-logy exam to study for and complete by yesterday. Both, I am happy to report, are now finally completed and passed in. Hallelujah!
For more exciting news, my hubby turned the big 3-0 on the 18th! Kaden and I saved our pennies, and we whisked him away to the Poconos for an overnight at a fun little Ramada. We got a great package deal that included a hot tub in our room with supper and breakfast included. We had TONS of fun - it was so nice to get away for a little while. Kaden slept great, the food was really yummy, and it was just nice to rest and recupe.
On the flipside.....I believe we have finally hit that lovely stage of the "terrible twos," and this glorious new stage of life began on our fun little get away! Kaden has always been very docile and obedient - tender and really quite timid. Well, my friends, I no longer believe that this is the case! Over the week-end and throughout this past week, Kev and I have spent much of our time formulating our game plan for how to handle this new crazy little person! We are now dealing with such issues as disobedience, disrespect, refusal to share - the normal stuff that every little kid goes through, I know. But, we are just really seeking the Lord's guidance and direction for wisdom, consistency, and all things needed for parenting two year olds and for truly "shepherding his heart" and not just his actions! He is still such a joy and so much fun.....now just with a spicy little twist! Good times! If you think, you can pray for the sanity of all three of us! :0)
For more exciting news, my hubby turned the big 3-0 on the 18th! Kaden and I saved our pennies, and we whisked him away to the Poconos for an overnight at a fun little Ramada. We got a great package deal that included a hot tub in our room with supper and breakfast included. We had TONS of fun - it was so nice to get away for a little while. Kaden slept great, the food was really yummy, and it was just nice to rest and recupe.
On the flipside.....I believe we have finally hit that lovely stage of the "terrible twos," and this glorious new stage of life began on our fun little get away! Kaden has always been very docile and obedient - tender and really quite timid. Well, my friends, I no longer believe that this is the case! Over the week-end and throughout this past week, Kev and I have spent much of our time formulating our game plan for how to handle this new crazy little person! We are now dealing with such issues as disobedience, disrespect, refusal to share - the normal stuff that every little kid goes through, I know. But, we are just really seeking the Lord's guidance and direction for wisdom, consistency, and all things needed for parenting two year olds and for truly "shepherding his heart" and not just his actions! He is still such a joy and so much fun.....now just with a spicy little twist! Good times! If you think, you can pray for the sanity of all three of us! :0)
Feeling Fried
Praise the Lord - I have finally finished my blasted Psychology reading. Now, I just need to review my vast reams of notes and my ten million definitions to prepare for the exam. At least the reading is out of the way. I tried to write the first chapter of my little book, but I'm just not feeling it today. What I am wanting to say is just not getting expressed on paper the way I want it to, so it is getting shelved for awhile. I think my brain needs a break - these past few days it has been on overload, and I am feeling a wee bit crabby. Therefore, I am done for the day.
We had homecoming at the school this past week-end. It was very fun and silly. The teachers took on the students in a crazy donkey basketball game. Kaden was quite mesmerized by the whole thing, and I have not laughed that hard in a long time! It was also very nice to see Katie for awhile and meet a bunch of her new friends. She's interesting, that girl! She doesn't just call people by their real names - she prefers such names as "Antangonist" and "Prom Queen" for addressing her cohorts!
Well, I'm hoping that Kev will blog about his whole hunting experience that he had on Saturday. But, just in case he doesn't, let's just say that he had a large run in with both the school security AND the local police! I found the whole thing to be quite funny.....buuuut he did not! Poor guy - hunting here is a whole lot more tricky than popping one off in the Maine woods. There aren't too many hunters in these here parts!
Well, I'm off. Esther, let's catch up soon! Shannie - soooo nice chatting with you! Lovies.....
We had homecoming at the school this past week-end. It was very fun and silly. The teachers took on the students in a crazy donkey basketball game. Kaden was quite mesmerized by the whole thing, and I have not laughed that hard in a long time! It was also very nice to see Katie for awhile and meet a bunch of her new friends. She's interesting, that girl! She doesn't just call people by their real names - she prefers such names as "Antangonist" and "Prom Queen" for addressing her cohorts!
Well, I'm hoping that Kev will blog about his whole hunting experience that he had on Saturday. But, just in case he doesn't, let's just say that he had a large run in with both the school security AND the local police! I found the whole thing to be quite funny.....buuuut he did not! Poor guy - hunting here is a whole lot more tricky than popping one off in the Maine woods. There aren't too many hunters in these here parts!
Well, I'm off. Esther, let's catch up soon! Shannie - soooo nice chatting with you! Lovies.....
Psychology Schmychology
Ai yi yi - must take a break from this blasted Psychology reading! I'm taking a correspondence elective through Moody, and I must say that I am really not giving a flying flip about this course these days! I appreciate their approach - how they are having us get both the secular perspective AND the Biblical approach to "the science of life and the mind," but, Holy Heavens, this course is killing me! Reading ten pages of this blasted material takes me an entire hour!!! And I really do not care to read any more about Mr. Wacko Freud today. What a psycho! (Sorry, if I have offended anyone, but oh my word......).
Therefore, I am taking a breather to make coffee and blog for a moment. And I must put a little plug in, dear friends, that it is time for some of you to update. Come now. Indulge me.
So, last night dear sweet newlyweds Brian and Gretchen Keezer came to our place for supper and spent the evening with us. We had SO much fun with them and have only gotten together with them one other time since they've been out here doing their internship. We are all going to go into Philly together sometime before they go home. Neither Kev nor Brian love the city, but Gret and I LOVE the experience! So, we shall go.....and Kev and Bri will be on high alert the entire time while Gret and I will be blissfully unaware of "potential dangers" while we traipse (that's my new word from Kelsey - did I spell it right?) through beautiful Philly! (My other new expressions I got from Brian - "super fun" and "super cool." Kaden says these phrases all the time now, too! He also determined last night that "Brian is not scary - he's nice!", and that Gretchen is a "pretty girl!")
Anway, it was SO nice to sit and chat with Bri and Gret about marriage, life, and ministry. It is SO refreshing to be around a young couple who is solid in their marriage and in their mutual love for the Lord. They have such a great foundation, they know each other well, they are best friends, they are real and open with each other, and they just totally love living life together! Must admit....it's still a little weird to me that they are actually married and living together....and that it's okay to be doing that.....but it was just so fun and special to be with them.
Okay, break time is over. My goal is to finish this numbnut chapter before Kaden awakens from his slumber so that we can go out and catch bugs in this lovely 75 degree weather! This is my MOST favorite season of all.......way too nice to be inside reading about nut-brains!
Therefore, I am taking a breather to make coffee and blog for a moment. And I must put a little plug in, dear friends, that it is time for some of you to update. Come now. Indulge me.
So, last night dear sweet newlyweds Brian and Gretchen Keezer came to our place for supper and spent the evening with us. We had SO much fun with them and have only gotten together with them one other time since they've been out here doing their internship. We are all going to go into Philly together sometime before they go home. Neither Kev nor Brian love the city, but Gret and I LOVE the experience! So, we shall go.....and Kev and Bri will be on high alert the entire time while Gret and I will be blissfully unaware of "potential dangers" while we traipse (that's my new word from Kelsey - did I spell it right?) through beautiful Philly! (My other new expressions I got from Brian - "super fun" and "super cool." Kaden says these phrases all the time now, too! He also determined last night that "Brian is not scary - he's nice!", and that Gretchen is a "pretty girl!")
Anway, it was SO nice to sit and chat with Bri and Gret about marriage, life, and ministry. It is SO refreshing to be around a young couple who is solid in their marriage and in their mutual love for the Lord. They have such a great foundation, they know each other well, they are best friends, they are real and open with each other, and they just totally love living life together! Must admit....it's still a little weird to me that they are actually married and living together....and that it's okay to be doing that.....but it was just so fun and special to be with them.
Okay, break time is over. My goal is to finish this numbnut chapter before Kaden awakens from his slumber so that we can go out and catch bugs in this lovely 75 degree weather! This is my MOST favorite season of all.......way too nice to be inside reading about nut-brains!
Thoughts on Motherhood
We had our first MOPS meeting this morning to kick off our new semester. I'm a table leader this year for a group of women. My responsibilities include: "facilitating discussion, being vulnerable with the women, listening without judgment, making them each feel loved, welcomed, validated etc. etc." I LOVE MOPS - I love what it offers to the women in our community, and I love how it refreshes my soul and reaffirms that what I am doing is oh so valuable and important in the eyes of the Lord.
It is so easy in gatherings such as these to observe and listen to other people's different styles of parenting and then to immediately come to a judgmental conclusion on their style of motherhood. There are definitly women who I have crossed paths with out here who I do not agree with some of the decisions they are making in their "style" of parenting. But then I think, "Well, if I feel this way about them, probably they are feeling the same way about my style!" Lesson learned, especially in this position that I have at MOPS: I don't want to be judged in how I am mothering, so I shouldn't judge anyone else! What I want is a friend who comes alongside me and walks with me in this journey of mothering. I want to be encouraged and affirmed - not judged and compared. Therefore, my goal in MOPS this year and in my friendships with young moms is to just really love them - regardless of our differences. I want to be a blessing - a breath of fresh air - to these women, so that when they leave my presence, whether it's at MOPS, out back doing laundry, or going to the park - we part ways with each other feeling more encouraged and built up in our womanhood and motherhood than we did before we got together.
The Lord is teaching me so many things these days. I think that my generation of moms, especially, can so easily get caught up in the things that are of lesser (is that a word?) importance in parenting, such as: structured naps and routines, watching the clock, making sure they know their ABC's at the appropriate age, breaking the will but not the spirit, proper etiquette at the table and in public etc. etc. I do think that these things are all important. I just sometimes feel that we can get so caught up in trying to accomplish these tasks that we forget to just relax and extend that extra measure of grace to both ourselves and our children and just really ENJOY our kids and enjoy living life with them!
I just want to truly and fully enjoy this season of life in every single way. I LOVE this stage that Kaden is in right now! He is carrying on full conversations, he is learning new things every day, he is understanding so many things, and he is just a little boy full of LIFE! I'm savoring this stage of toddlerhood. I'm seeing that my baby is gone - never to return - and in his place stands a little boy who very soon will be off to school, and it will not matter how long it took him to acquire certain skills, how he compared to others, and how "together" I came across to other young moms. I ultimately answer to the Lord alone for how I mother and nurture my children - as do all other moms. Nothing else matters.
The Lord has just been really helping me to slooooooow down and savor Kaden, and I am feeling so blessed and refreshed, as a result. I am loving life with Kaden, and I want to be an encouragement to other moms who are like me - who so easily get caught up in schedules, comparisons, and routines. This season is only for such a short time - I want to live it and love it to the fullest - putting all other things in perspective! What if he is the only child that we will ever be able to have? If that is the case, I will never regret not getting the dishes done or not getting him potty trained by summer's end like I had planned! I WILL regret if I didn't take the time to slow down and live life at his level and through his eyes. "Teach me to number my days, Oh Lord......"
It is so easy in gatherings such as these to observe and listen to other people's different styles of parenting and then to immediately come to a judgmental conclusion on their style of motherhood. There are definitly women who I have crossed paths with out here who I do not agree with some of the decisions they are making in their "style" of parenting. But then I think, "Well, if I feel this way about them, probably they are feeling the same way about my style!" Lesson learned, especially in this position that I have at MOPS: I don't want to be judged in how I am mothering, so I shouldn't judge anyone else! What I want is a friend who comes alongside me and walks with me in this journey of mothering. I want to be encouraged and affirmed - not judged and compared. Therefore, my goal in MOPS this year and in my friendships with young moms is to just really love them - regardless of our differences. I want to be a blessing - a breath of fresh air - to these women, so that when they leave my presence, whether it's at MOPS, out back doing laundry, or going to the park - we part ways with each other feeling more encouraged and built up in our womanhood and motherhood than we did before we got together.
The Lord is teaching me so many things these days. I think that my generation of moms, especially, can so easily get caught up in the things that are of lesser (is that a word?) importance in parenting, such as: structured naps and routines, watching the clock, making sure they know their ABC's at the appropriate age, breaking the will but not the spirit, proper etiquette at the table and in public etc. etc. I do think that these things are all important. I just sometimes feel that we can get so caught up in trying to accomplish these tasks that we forget to just relax and extend that extra measure of grace to both ourselves and our children and just really ENJOY our kids and enjoy living life with them!
I just want to truly and fully enjoy this season of life in every single way. I LOVE this stage that Kaden is in right now! He is carrying on full conversations, he is learning new things every day, he is understanding so many things, and he is just a little boy full of LIFE! I'm savoring this stage of toddlerhood. I'm seeing that my baby is gone - never to return - and in his place stands a little boy who very soon will be off to school, and it will not matter how long it took him to acquire certain skills, how he compared to others, and how "together" I came across to other young moms. I ultimately answer to the Lord alone for how I mother and nurture my children - as do all other moms. Nothing else matters.
The Lord has just been really helping me to slooooooow down and savor Kaden, and I am feeling so blessed and refreshed, as a result. I am loving life with Kaden, and I want to be an encouragement to other moms who are like me - who so easily get caught up in schedules, comparisons, and routines. This season is only for such a short time - I want to live it and love it to the fullest - putting all other things in perspective! What if he is the only child that we will ever be able to have? If that is the case, I will never regret not getting the dishes done or not getting him potty trained by summer's end like I had planned! I WILL regret if I didn't take the time to slow down and live life at his level and through his eyes. "Teach me to number my days, Oh Lord......"
Friends and Reconnecting
I'm feeling sappy today, so be prepared!
I love the friendships where you could go months - years even - without talking, but in a single phone call or visit you are able to reconnect instantly. When I went home to Maine to visit with several of them, and this week when I got messages from three others who live out of state and in Canada, I have once again been reminded of the depth and gift of friendships that God has given me.
When we go home to visit with our friends and family now - the visits with friends have changed. I usually now only have an afternoon at best, or more likely an hour or two to reconnect after being gone for four or five months. So, we've got to make that time count! In a way, I love these visits even more, and I KNOW that I appreciate my friends more now - because I treasure those few moments that we have AND we don't spend time talking about petty things. We go deep immediately. It may no longer be "quantity" time, but it surely is "quality." (Although I didn't get as much of that with Esther and Jess - but Christmas is coming!) Anyway, I just love that even though we haven't been sharing in each other's lives for months, these friends make time for me and we can always pick right back up where we left off.
I had a conversation like that a couple of days ago with my beautiful friend Angie. I think it has been almost a year since we've talked. The same happened a few months earlier with Kristi - my longest known friend and with Tracy, my CRAZY freshman college roommate. I am mortified to think of the time that I have allowed to lapse in between conversations with these girls, but I LOVE how we immediatley reconnect, how we know each other's hearts, and how we feel safe to be able to share the deep things even though it has been months. THAT is true friendship. These are women who I may not see for five or ten years, but it will feel like yesterday when we finally do get together again. My cousin, Jodi, is the same way. I swear we play phone tag more than we actually talk, but she cares enough to play! We live states apart and see each other only twice a year, but she is still the sister-I-never-had.
God has blessed my life with women who are kindred spirits and sister's of the heart. And He has blessed me with wonderful new friends here in Philly, as well. I have a full life, I am blessed, and He has given me some wonderful women to walk this journey of life, of being a wife, of motherhood, and of ministry, alongside me - and I am SO thankful.
I love the friendships where you could go months - years even - without talking, but in a single phone call or visit you are able to reconnect instantly. When I went home to Maine to visit with several of them, and this week when I got messages from three others who live out of state and in Canada, I have once again been reminded of the depth and gift of friendships that God has given me.
When we go home to visit with our friends and family now - the visits with friends have changed. I usually now only have an afternoon at best, or more likely an hour or two to reconnect after being gone for four or five months. So, we've got to make that time count! In a way, I love these visits even more, and I KNOW that I appreciate my friends more now - because I treasure those few moments that we have AND we don't spend time talking about petty things. We go deep immediately. It may no longer be "quantity" time, but it surely is "quality." (Although I didn't get as much of that with Esther and Jess - but Christmas is coming!) Anyway, I just love that even though we haven't been sharing in each other's lives for months, these friends make time for me and we can always pick right back up where we left off.
I had a conversation like that a couple of days ago with my beautiful friend Angie. I think it has been almost a year since we've talked. The same happened a few months earlier with Kristi - my longest known friend and with Tracy, my CRAZY freshman college roommate. I am mortified to think of the time that I have allowed to lapse in between conversations with these girls, but I LOVE how we immediatley reconnect, how we know each other's hearts, and how we feel safe to be able to share the deep things even though it has been months. THAT is true friendship. These are women who I may not see for five or ten years, but it will feel like yesterday when we finally do get together again. My cousin, Jodi, is the same way. I swear we play phone tag more than we actually talk, but she cares enough to play! We live states apart and see each other only twice a year, but she is still the sister-I-never-had.
God has blessed my life with women who are kindred spirits and sister's of the heart. And He has blessed me with wonderful new friends here in Philly, as well. I have a full life, I am blessed, and He has given me some wonderful women to walk this journey of life, of being a wife, of motherhood, and of ministry, alongside me - and I am SO thankful.
Stay at Home Working Mommy
So, this will just be a rambling blog.....as I guess all of mine usually are, but I am just feeling blessed and refreshed (catchy, eh?) these days. It is my MOST favorite time of year - still warm, but without the dreadful mugginess, soccer season has started and we love going to watch the college kids play, Kaden and I are outside playing, walking, and running ALL the time, we are finally finding our rhythm to our new semester's routine, and life is just plain good.
I have been praying some time now for an opporunity to bring in a little extra income for our family so that Kev can focus more on classes and not feel like he needs to pick up a third part-time job. But, I also am very protective of Kaden's and my days together, his nap schedule, and getting too busy etc., so I have been VERY choosy about what job(s) I would take. I have been cleaning a lady's house every other week for an afternoon. This works perfectly with Kev's schedule - he can study while Kaden naps, and then when Kaden wakes up they can have some good Father/Son time. But this was just one thing for one afternoon two times a month - a pithy contribution of gas money.
So anyway, as of this week, I just picked up two more bitty part-time babysitting jobs that totally mesh with our daily schedules, that do not make me feel too frazzled or stressed, and that relieve some of our financial stress. Three mornings a week, Kaden and I go to a single mom's house and basically just hang with her two kids until they leave for school. She leaves for the city really early and doesn't want them home alone, so I go and fix them breakfast and just hang with them until their bus comes. The kids are fabulous, Kaden loves them, and once they get on the bus we go for long walks all around their beautiful SAFE neighborhood. Lovely. And job #2 involves my new neighbor and friend right here in our complex. For two afternoons a week, I will be babysitting her little seven month old just for 2 1/2 hours each time. Perfect. It's not my entire afternoon, but it's just enough to help. I wanted something that would not just bring in money, but something where I would be able to bless others, as well - and this is what God has given me. Yay.
I have been praying some time now for an opporunity to bring in a little extra income for our family so that Kev can focus more on classes and not feel like he needs to pick up a third part-time job. But, I also am very protective of Kaden's and my days together, his nap schedule, and getting too busy etc., so I have been VERY choosy about what job(s) I would take. I have been cleaning a lady's house every other week for an afternoon. This works perfectly with Kev's schedule - he can study while Kaden naps, and then when Kaden wakes up they can have some good Father/Son time. But this was just one thing for one afternoon two times a month - a pithy contribution of gas money.
So anyway, as of this week, I just picked up two more bitty part-time babysitting jobs that totally mesh with our daily schedules, that do not make me feel too frazzled or stressed, and that relieve some of our financial stress. Three mornings a week, Kaden and I go to a single mom's house and basically just hang with her two kids until they leave for school. She leaves for the city really early and doesn't want them home alone, so I go and fix them breakfast and just hang with them until their bus comes. The kids are fabulous, Kaden loves them, and once they get on the bus we go for long walks all around their beautiful SAFE neighborhood. Lovely. And job #2 involves my new neighbor and friend right here in our complex. For two afternoons a week, I will be babysitting her little seven month old just for 2 1/2 hours each time. Perfect. It's not my entire afternoon, but it's just enough to help. I wanted something that would not just bring in money, but something where I would be able to bless others, as well - and this is what God has given me. Yay.
Revamping My Book
I have to write a book for my final project in order to graduate from this program. I have been thinking about doing something along the theme of marriage - but there are already so many books out there on the topic. However, I honestly don't think that there is ANYTHING new under the sun to write about on ANYTHING, so I think I'll still stick with this theme.
We have to write about a problem that we see in life that we are passionate about and develop a plan or program to help. I think I'm going to do something for young marriages - ten years and younger - possibly even for engaged couples or others who are contemplating marriage. The statistics show that Christian marriages are failing almost as rapidly as unsaved. Pretty sad and scary. So, I think I'm going to research the failure rate of young marriages and the reasons why and write something about that.
Maybe my title could be something somewhat cheesy and catchy like: "Surviving the First Five Years - Establishing the Foundation for a Lifetime of Friendship." I am now accepting applications for other brilliant ideas, as well.
We have to write about a problem that we see in life that we are passionate about and develop a plan or program to help. I think I'm going to do something for young marriages - ten years and younger - possibly even for engaged couples or others who are contemplating marriage. The statistics show that Christian marriages are failing almost as rapidly as unsaved. Pretty sad and scary. So, I think I'm going to research the failure rate of young marriages and the reasons why and write something about that.
Maybe my title could be something somewhat cheesy and catchy like: "Surviving the First Five Years - Establishing the Foundation for a Lifetime of Friendship." I am now accepting applications for other brilliant ideas, as well.
Potty Training 101
So, the plan was that after we returned from Maine, Kaden and Mommy would begin the potty training saga. I have purchased Thomas the Tank Engine big boy skivvies, a little seat to go on top of our big potty, and M&M's for bribery (I mean, reward). I am seeking all wisdom and advice to glean from experienced professionals before we begin our adventure. I have done nothing to even begin to prepare him for this - he has never even sat on the toilet before. This is probably my first mistake. However, we are ready to dive into this challenge just as soon as I know my plan of attack.
Any wisdom? So far I have heard: start with pullups; plan on three or four months. Go immediately into big boy underwear; plan on one week. Don't give rewards; it's something everyone needs to learn and not be rewarded. Give incentives; everyone likes to be encouraged when they're learning something new. Give them their own potty seat, and let them sit on it whenever they want. Go immediately to the big potty; don't be sucked in by the gadgets. The list goes on, and this is advice that I have not even asked for!
Sooooooo, all my friends with kids who have potty trained - i.e. Wendy, Chantelle, Angie, Jen, Rachel and others..........be prepared for a phone call! We're coming to conquer! Good times!
Any wisdom? So far I have heard: start with pullups; plan on three or four months. Go immediately into big boy underwear; plan on one week. Don't give rewards; it's something everyone needs to learn and not be rewarded. Give incentives; everyone likes to be encouraged when they're learning something new. Give them their own potty seat, and let them sit on it whenever they want. Go immediately to the big potty; don't be sucked in by the gadgets. The list goes on, and this is advice that I have not even asked for!
Sooooooo, all my friends with kids who have potty trained - i.e. Wendy, Chantelle, Angie, Jen, Rachel and others..........be prepared for a phone call! We're coming to conquer! Good times!
Marvelous Maine!
Well, Kaden and I have returned from our galavanting. We had a GLORIOUS time in Maine! It was so nice to be back home visiting with friends and family. Kaden was so excited to see the grandparents, and we had really great weather for doing tons of fun things that we love: going to the ocean, yard saling, four wheeling, catching frogs, going to camp, riding tricycles (Kaden - not me), having bonfires, going for walks....and the list goes on. It was so nice! Visits with friends and family are always too short, but I am so thankful just for the chance to reconnect face to face every few months.
My little bro and I had our first road trip together while driving back to Philly. We had a really good time, although on two different occasions during the trip we had a one hour delay due to road work and an overturned trailer truck. Those moments were not quite as joyous! However, we made it home safely, and Kaden was SO pumped to see his Daddy. He had been sleeping, and he woke up and started crying just as we drove into the driveway. All I had to say was, "Kaden, we're home, and here comes Daddy," and he IMMEDIATELY stopped crying. He balled his little hands into fists, and his entire body shook with excitement. He died laughing as soon as he saw Kev, and we couldn't get him to go back to sleep for an hour. It was so precious and sweet.
While Aaron was here we ventured into New York City. We totally conquered the place - it was awesome! Well, I should say that Kaden and I had a fabulous time anyway. After the day was all said and done, both Aaron and Kev said that they were on high alert the entire time! I was happily oblivious to their watchful concern all day in the city! We walked through Times Square, saw the Liberty Bell, Ground Zero, ChinaTown, Little Italy, and tons and tons of other things. We were invited to a free taping of the David Letterman show, too! We paid seven bucks and road the Subway all day long. That is totally the way to go. It was so much fun!
It was pretty sobering and special to be at Ground Zero on September 12, as well. The President had been there on the previous day, and there has been an entire street devoted to commenorate the area. There are still lots of flowers and pictures, and a beautiful mural has been placed on one of the buildings, as well. The place looks so different from when we went the year right after the attack. Pretty amazing.
So, now Aaron has gone home, my apartment is finally cleaned and organized, and we are settling in. I decided it was time to get groceries when Kaden looked at me with disgust and said, "Mommy has no bananas for my eat. And nooooo juicy. Only water!" Too funny!
My little bro and I had our first road trip together while driving back to Philly. We had a really good time, although on two different occasions during the trip we had a one hour delay due to road work and an overturned trailer truck. Those moments were not quite as joyous! However, we made it home safely, and Kaden was SO pumped to see his Daddy. He had been sleeping, and he woke up and started crying just as we drove into the driveway. All I had to say was, "Kaden, we're home, and here comes Daddy," and he IMMEDIATELY stopped crying. He balled his little hands into fists, and his entire body shook with excitement. He died laughing as soon as he saw Kev, and we couldn't get him to go back to sleep for an hour. It was so precious and sweet.
While Aaron was here we ventured into New York City. We totally conquered the place - it was awesome! Well, I should say that Kaden and I had a fabulous time anyway. After the day was all said and done, both Aaron and Kev said that they were on high alert the entire time! I was happily oblivious to their watchful concern all day in the city! We walked through Times Square, saw the Liberty Bell, Ground Zero, ChinaTown, Little Italy, and tons and tons of other things. We were invited to a free taping of the David Letterman show, too! We paid seven bucks and road the Subway all day long. That is totally the way to go. It was so much fun!
It was pretty sobering and special to be at Ground Zero on September 12, as well. The President had been there on the previous day, and there has been an entire street devoted to commenorate the area. There are still lots of flowers and pictures, and a beautiful mural has been placed on one of the buildings, as well. The place looks so different from when we went the year right after the attack. Pretty amazing.
So, now Aaron has gone home, my apartment is finally cleaned and organized, and we are settling in. I decided it was time to get groceries when Kaden looked at me with disgust and said, "Mommy has no bananas for my eat. And nooooo juicy. Only water!" Too funny!
Goin' On A Trip!
Kaden has been begging to "Go on a trip to see Grammy & Grampy!" So, Mother mine, if you are reading this - I'm a comin'! I was going to try and totally surprise you, but Aaron says that you suspect something, so my secret's out. For my dear friends and fam., here's the plan: I'll be in Bangor from Sunday night the 27th thru Thursday morning the 31st. Then, I'll be heading up to Canada (as Peter likes to say) to see my Quint clan. I'll be up in Hodgdon from the 31st thru Wednesday the 6th, and then I'll come back down to Bangor and stay until Saturday. This will give me about six days with each family - not too shabby. This will be a decent hold-over until Christmas! Kaden and I are both super excited!!!
On a different note...
I just can not tell you all how in love I am with my little family. God has been SO good to us, and He has blessed us so deeply. Kevin is my bestest of best friends, he is my soul-mate, and he is the love of my life. Adding Kaden to our family has only deepened and solidified our love for each other. Kev knows me better than I know myself, he is so very perceptive to my needs, he sacrifices and works so hard for our family, and he serves and loves me selflessly. He is the most amazing father, and he absolutely loves spending time with Kaden and building into him. Kaden adores him and lives for the moment that he hears the key turn in the lock and he can yell, "Daddy's hoooome!" There is nothing I love more than watching the two of them play and wrestle together laughing at the top of their lungs.
And my Kaden......oh how I love my little boy! He is my joy! I never imagined that I would love motherhood like I do. He delights me, he stretches me, and he teaches me lessons daily. He loves me unconditionally, he makes me laugh constantly, and he is saying and doing new things every day that constantly amaze me. I love spending our days together, I love reading books, snuggling together when we both first wake up, cooking together, and going on adventures with him. I can not wait for all of you to see how much he's changed and grown. He is so sweet, so tender, and so full of life and love.
I am blessed.
On a different note...
I just can not tell you all how in love I am with my little family. God has been SO good to us, and He has blessed us so deeply. Kevin is my bestest of best friends, he is my soul-mate, and he is the love of my life. Adding Kaden to our family has only deepened and solidified our love for each other. Kev knows me better than I know myself, he is so very perceptive to my needs, he sacrifices and works so hard for our family, and he serves and loves me selflessly. He is the most amazing father, and he absolutely loves spending time with Kaden and building into him. Kaden adores him and lives for the moment that he hears the key turn in the lock and he can yell, "Daddy's hoooome!" There is nothing I love more than watching the two of them play and wrestle together laughing at the top of their lungs.
And my Kaden......oh how I love my little boy! He is my joy! I never imagined that I would love motherhood like I do. He delights me, he stretches me, and he teaches me lessons daily. He loves me unconditionally, he makes me laugh constantly, and he is saying and doing new things every day that constantly amaze me. I love spending our days together, I love reading books, snuggling together when we both first wake up, cooking together, and going on adventures with him. I can not wait for all of you to see how much he's changed and grown. He is so sweet, so tender, and so full of life and love.
I am blessed.
The Greatest Birthday Ever!
Last Sunday was my 29th birthday, and my hubby outdid himself! He took me to dinner and a movie one night, a couple of days later we did a family day trip to a fun State Park out in the boondocks where we played in a river and had a picnic.....and that was all just to throw me off the scent of his real BIG plans!
Kev wanted my first birthday away from home to be special and memorable - so he planned a huge surprise birthday party for me, and he invited just about every person that I have met thus far out here! It was SUCH a blast and a total and complete surprise! When we got home from church, he suggested for us to go and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at a local park where we could just be outside and Kaden could play on the playground. When we got there, he told us to go on ahead and play while he ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he comes running up to us all excited saying that he found another really cool playground that had a really huge slide for Kaden to play on. So, off we go trekking across this huge park to find another playground. (Or so I thought! - I KNOW THAT I'M GULLIBLE, O.K? It just made planning this surprise that much easier for Kev!) We came walking around a corner, and suddenly about thirty or forty people yelled, "Surprise!" It was so sweet - Kev had invited friends from our apartment complex, friends from MOPS, and friends from church - my whole Philly family! We had a huge BBQ, we played fun games, and I had lots of fun gifts to unwrap. I was totally blown away!!! This was a truly a birthday to be remembered....Now how am I going to top this for his 30th this fall???
Other big happenings.....we went to Six Flags this past Wednesday where I rode my very first roller coasters! This was very fun and exiting, and I think that I could become quite the adrenaline junkie. However, I think I am phasing out of the whole commercialized entertainment scenario. We were there for seven hours and only managed to go on five rides. That's a whole lotta' waiting in my opinion. I'm far more drawn to the fun of ocean, lakes, and rivers, 4-wheeling, camping, and conquering new unexplored territories. Maybe I'm just starting to grow up, but I am beginning to MUCH prefer the quiet solitude of country and God's creation as opposed to large crowds of craziness.
On a VERY exciting note....Kaden and I are coming home for a few days at the end of the month! (Mom, I was going to try to surprise you, but Aaron says that you already suspect something....so....SURPRISE!) Anyway, sweet Katya is coming to PBU for college, and since I have the month of September off from classes, Kev and I decided that this might be a good time to skip home to see family and friends for a bit before Christmas. I'll catch a ride to Maine with the Burt's, and my little bro is going to take some time off from arresting people to give me a ride back, and then he'll spend a few days with us here. So, I am SUPER excited and cannot wait to get home to breathe the fresh air of Maine and see some loved ones for a few days. Good times! See you soon!
Kev wanted my first birthday away from home to be special and memorable - so he planned a huge surprise birthday party for me, and he invited just about every person that I have met thus far out here! It was SUCH a blast and a total and complete surprise! When we got home from church, he suggested for us to go and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening at a local park where we could just be outside and Kaden could play on the playground. When we got there, he told us to go on ahead and play while he ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he comes running up to us all excited saying that he found another really cool playground that had a really huge slide for Kaden to play on. So, off we go trekking across this huge park to find another playground. (Or so I thought! - I KNOW THAT I'M GULLIBLE, O.K? It just made planning this surprise that much easier for Kev!) We came walking around a corner, and suddenly about thirty or forty people yelled, "Surprise!" It was so sweet - Kev had invited friends from our apartment complex, friends from MOPS, and friends from church - my whole Philly family! We had a huge BBQ, we played fun games, and I had lots of fun gifts to unwrap. I was totally blown away!!! This was a truly a birthday to be remembered....Now how am I going to top this for his 30th this fall???
Other big happenings.....we went to Six Flags this past Wednesday where I rode my very first roller coasters! This was very fun and exiting, and I think that I could become quite the adrenaline junkie. However, I think I am phasing out of the whole commercialized entertainment scenario. We were there for seven hours and only managed to go on five rides. That's a whole lotta' waiting in my opinion. I'm far more drawn to the fun of ocean, lakes, and rivers, 4-wheeling, camping, and conquering new unexplored territories. Maybe I'm just starting to grow up, but I am beginning to MUCH prefer the quiet solitude of country and God's creation as opposed to large crowds of craziness.
On a VERY exciting note....Kaden and I are coming home for a few days at the end of the month! (Mom, I was going to try to surprise you, but Aaron says that you already suspect something....so....SURPRISE!) Anyway, sweet Katya is coming to PBU for college, and since I have the month of September off from classes, Kev and I decided that this might be a good time to skip home to see family and friends for a bit before Christmas. I'll catch a ride to Maine with the Burt's, and my little bro is going to take some time off from arresting people to give me a ride back, and then he'll spend a few days with us here. So, I am SUPER excited and cannot wait to get home to breathe the fresh air of Maine and see some loved ones for a few days. Good times! See you soon!
So, the heat index for today is supposed to hit 115! They say the regular temp. may possibly hit 106, and if that's the case, it will be the hottest it has EVER been here! Oh, how blessed we are to be able to experience personally this glorious event. I can't tell you how excited I am about this!!!
Actually, it hasn't been too awfully horrid. Kaden and I went to our favorite Tyler State Park and played in the water all morning. The huge sign by the bridge clearly reads "No Swimming," so we had to play it cool and look like we really weren't swimming. We would build sand castles, collect shells, try to catch little minnows, and then......WHOOPS!!!.....Mommy all of a sudden "fell" in! How terrible - whatever am I to do about this? I mean, I'm already wet, so I might as well just play in the water now, right?! Good times! Kaden is getting very brave and loves to see just how far out he can go. He says, "I big boy Mommy! I SO brave!" This is our new favorite place to go and have a Mommy/Kaden date. Very fun! Today we saw tons of dogs swimming, lots of geese, huge fish, and a big ole' snake swimming in the river. Very exciting things for a little boy to see.
My season of Saturday classes is over after this coming Saturday. It has been a great class, but I am ready to have my Saturdays back to myself and my family. I am learning lots about communicating effectively, what true leadership looks like, and all kinds of good stuff like that. We are learning to really analyze ourselves - our strengths, weaknesses, gifts, compulsions etc., and seeing how we can first bring about change in ourselves before we ever seek to try and change those around us. They are also hammering home to us the fact that TRUE leadership is servant leadership. The example that Christ gave us to follow was in washing His disciples feet. He took the lowliest job that even the lowest servant despised, and he initiated this service for His loved ones. He was more concerned about the "towel" than the "title." This is such an unnatural thing to strive for, but such a needed thing in today's society. Very challenging stuff.
Before graduating we each have to write a five chapter book on a program that we would like to see implemented in our church. I have been hashing a couple of ideas around in my head, but I think I am finally beginning to narrow my topic down. I think I am going to write something about marriage and family - and particularly the role that we women play in marriage. The basic premise of my topic will be based around the book For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. (Thank you, Esther, for introducing me to this book!) Shaunti has done significant national research by surveying and interviewing hundreds of men. She has compiled tons of information and has written this book to give insight and show women things we need to know to not only better understand the man in our lives, but also to know how to support and love him in the way that he needs to be loved. Many churches have begun implementing programs for men - I know our church back home has a "men mentoring men" ministry, and there are established MOPS programs for moms, but I haven't really seen anything specifically yet for women and their role in their marriages. What do you all think? I still have a month to decide before I finalize my topic, but this is where I'm heading.
Well, I guess that's a long enough ramble for now. Stay cool!
Actually, it hasn't been too awfully horrid. Kaden and I went to our favorite Tyler State Park and played in the water all morning. The huge sign by the bridge clearly reads "No Swimming," so we had to play it cool and look like we really weren't swimming. We would build sand castles, collect shells, try to catch little minnows, and then......WHOOPS!!!.....Mommy all of a sudden "fell" in! How terrible - whatever am I to do about this? I mean, I'm already wet, so I might as well just play in the water now, right?! Good times! Kaden is getting very brave and loves to see just how far out he can go. He says, "I big boy Mommy! I SO brave!" This is our new favorite place to go and have a Mommy/Kaden date. Very fun! Today we saw tons of dogs swimming, lots of geese, huge fish, and a big ole' snake swimming in the river. Very exciting things for a little boy to see.
My season of Saturday classes is over after this coming Saturday. It has been a great class, but I am ready to have my Saturdays back to myself and my family. I am learning lots about communicating effectively, what true leadership looks like, and all kinds of good stuff like that. We are learning to really analyze ourselves - our strengths, weaknesses, gifts, compulsions etc., and seeing how we can first bring about change in ourselves before we ever seek to try and change those around us. They are also hammering home to us the fact that TRUE leadership is servant leadership. The example that Christ gave us to follow was in washing His disciples feet. He took the lowliest job that even the lowest servant despised, and he initiated this service for His loved ones. He was more concerned about the "towel" than the "title." This is such an unnatural thing to strive for, but such a needed thing in today's society. Very challenging stuff.
Before graduating we each have to write a five chapter book on a program that we would like to see implemented in our church. I have been hashing a couple of ideas around in my head, but I think I am finally beginning to narrow my topic down. I think I am going to write something about marriage and family - and particularly the role that we women play in marriage. The basic premise of my topic will be based around the book For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. (Thank you, Esther, for introducing me to this book!) Shaunti has done significant national research by surveying and interviewing hundreds of men. She has compiled tons of information and has written this book to give insight and show women things we need to know to not only better understand the man in our lives, but also to know how to support and love him in the way that he needs to be loved. Many churches have begun implementing programs for men - I know our church back home has a "men mentoring men" ministry, and there are established MOPS programs for moms, but I haven't really seen anything specifically yet for women and their role in their marriages. What do you all think? I still have a month to decide before I finalize my topic, but this is where I'm heading.
Well, I guess that's a long enough ramble for now. Stay cool!
Just What the Doctor Ordered!
Ahhhh......Well, after posting that enormous blog a couple of hours ago, our little family went and had the family date outing that I was so badly wanting. The weather has not been humid at all today, so right after Kaden woke up from his nap we drove about ten minutes away to Tyler State Park which we love (I don't know how to do all of that fancy shmancy stuff where you create a direct link to their site) and we had a BBQ picnic and played in the water. It was SO lovely and so much fun! We had lots of yummies, Kaden got to see lots of "doggies" and get soaking wet in the lake which he loved, and Kev and I got to be outside in gorgeous creation in beautiful bearable weather! What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday evening! EXACTLY what we needed. Happy girl.........O.k., it is WAAAAY past Kaden's bedtime. Good night!
Rain! - Oh the Blessed Relief!
Well, I really don't have anything overly exciting to report - except that it has rained off and on for the past couple of days. This has cut down our humidity quite significantly, so as a result, we can now actually walk outside without running into an instant wall of muggy heat. Sheer bliss! The weather actually felt a bit "Maine-like" today and was quite the welcome change. When Kaden wakes up from his nap, we may even all go play outside. Imagine that!
So, I've been feeling a little off lately. I think that it's been a combination of many things, and I am just trying to process through them. The heat really got to me for a few days (could you tell?), and then all of the rain kind of bummed me out (I know I know...I should be grateful...and I am...it's just been so dreary), I've been really missing family and friends, and I'm doubling classes so I feel more busy than usual right now. I think that's the biggest thing. For four Saturdays in a row I am taking a five hour class. This is our family date day, so I think I am just craving a day for the three of us to be able to pick up and go somewhere in the morning and have absolutely no time schedule of when we need to be back home. And also, we're trying to decide if Kev should take a shift supervisor position at Starbucks or if he should pick up more hours at the church and help out with needs there. Either option makes us more busy, but at this stage in the game, one of the options is necessary. So, we're just waiting on the Lord and trying to see which option would be the best fit for our little family.
This next semester will be our craziest so far, so between classes and work schedules, we're going to have to be really careful to make time for each other and our family. It is something that we've been committed to since our early days of marriage, and it gets trickier with each new life change, but we both believe that it is so so important for us. Many families here are just going full steam ahead with the motto: Get in, Get out, and Get 'er done! That has been kind of our mentality too - and oh so tempting! We have clear goals as to the ONLY reason why we are here. But, we also need to LIVE, and we've decided that we're not willing to do anything at the expense of our family. So, this means we are always having to revamp schedules and reassess our priorities. It may even mean that a class might have to be dropped and picked up at a later date. Who knows? But, this is where we are at right now. School is priority - this is why we are here. But, family is top priority. So, for next semester, our date nights may consist of studying at Borders after Kaden has gone to bed - having friends upstairs babysit the moniter! Anthing can be made fun as long as coffee is involved....at least that's our motto!
Anways...this whole post has been somewhat of a ramble. But, isn't that what these sort of things are for in the first place?! Overall, life is good, we are good, and God is always good! We are happy and blessed, our family is healthy, and we have a sweet little place to call our home. God is meeting our needs and blessing our family, and we have so much to be grateful for. O.k., I am off to watch some mindless humor with my hubby before our wild child wakes up from his nap and destroys all semblances of restful peace this afternoon! Good times!
So, I've been feeling a little off lately. I think that it's been a combination of many things, and I am just trying to process through them. The heat really got to me for a few days (could you tell?), and then all of the rain kind of bummed me out (I know I know...I should be grateful...and I am...it's just been so dreary), I've been really missing family and friends, and I'm doubling classes so I feel more busy than usual right now. I think that's the biggest thing. For four Saturdays in a row I am taking a five hour class. This is our family date day, so I think I am just craving a day for the three of us to be able to pick up and go somewhere in the morning and have absolutely no time schedule of when we need to be back home. And also, we're trying to decide if Kev should take a shift supervisor position at Starbucks or if he should pick up more hours at the church and help out with needs there. Either option makes us more busy, but at this stage in the game, one of the options is necessary. So, we're just waiting on the Lord and trying to see which option would be the best fit for our little family.
This next semester will be our craziest so far, so between classes and work schedules, we're going to have to be really careful to make time for each other and our family. It is something that we've been committed to since our early days of marriage, and it gets trickier with each new life change, but we both believe that it is so so important for us. Many families here are just going full steam ahead with the motto: Get in, Get out, and Get 'er done! That has been kind of our mentality too - and oh so tempting! We have clear goals as to the ONLY reason why we are here. But, we also need to LIVE, and we've decided that we're not willing to do anything at the expense of our family. So, this means we are always having to revamp schedules and reassess our priorities. It may even mean that a class might have to be dropped and picked up at a later date. Who knows? But, this is where we are at right now. School is priority - this is why we are here. But, family is top priority. So, for next semester, our date nights may consist of studying at Borders after Kaden has gone to bed - having friends upstairs babysit the moniter! Anthing can be made fun as long as coffee is involved....at least that's our motto!
Anways...this whole post has been somewhat of a ramble. But, isn't that what these sort of things are for in the first place?! Overall, life is good, we are good, and God is always good! We are happy and blessed, our family is healthy, and we have a sweet little place to call our home. God is meeting our needs and blessing our family, and we have so much to be grateful for. O.k., I am off to watch some mindless humor with my hubby before our wild child wakes up from his nap and destroys all semblances of restful peace this afternoon! Good times!
We're Melting! We're Melting!
So, the reports say that our weather is going to be "dangerously hot" for the next few days - over 100 degrees. I think that I am already starting to mold, and my hair is staying perpetually wet after I shower. In fact, I'm not really sure if I'm even getting clean as I am sweating DURING my shower! Seriously, I think we're going to either melt or mildew before this heat wave is over. If I am bald when you see me next, you will know why.....my hair rotted. I used my oven yesterday to cook us a meal for supper and drove us all out of the house. We spent part of our evening just driving somewhat aimlessly around in our car waiting for the apartment to cool back down...but we were quite happy and cool in our air conditioning! Maybe this is where we'll spend the rest of our days. So, for the rest of the summer our oven will get a vacation. Good grief....Lord give us grace. They say that August is the hotest month to live in PA - I pray that we are remotely acclimated by then.
On a lighter note - Kaden prayed for the first time the other day. He said, "DEAR JESUS (He yelled this part)...thank you....for today....and supper.....aaaand Mommy, Daddy, Kaden (notice that he thanked Jesus for food BEFORE thanking Jesus for Mommy and Daddy!).....and fans (he now loves them.......we all do).....and JESUS (yelling again)......AAAAMEN!" It was the sweetest thing, and now that he knows what reaction he'll get from Mommy and Daddy, he is quite willing and enthusiastic to pray before every meal, naptime, and bedtime! So, yesterday, his prayer before naptime was this: "Dear Jesus...thank you for today, and Mommy, Daddy, Kaden, and fans, and puppy, and teddy, and juice, and nappy time - no crying - no tears, and fans, and supper, and beep beeps (his new love is smoke alarms) and snackies and........(Finally, oh-so-spiritual Mommy prompts..."and Jesus' name") AMEN!" Oh my - so cute, so sweet, so fun!
Well, this is all for now. I'm off to sit beside my best friend Mr. Air Conditioner and try to get some homework done in this blasted sweltering heat. Seriously though....we'd love for you all to come out and see us! Good times!
On a lighter note - Kaden prayed for the first time the other day. He said, "DEAR JESUS (He yelled this part)...thank you....for today....and supper.....aaaand Mommy, Daddy, Kaden (notice that he thanked Jesus for food BEFORE thanking Jesus for Mommy and Daddy!).....and fans (he now loves them.......we all do).....and JESUS (yelling again)......AAAAMEN!" It was the sweetest thing, and now that he knows what reaction he'll get from Mommy and Daddy, he is quite willing and enthusiastic to pray before every meal, naptime, and bedtime! So, yesterday, his prayer before naptime was this: "Dear Jesus...thank you for today, and Mommy, Daddy, Kaden, and fans, and puppy, and teddy, and juice, and nappy time - no crying - no tears, and fans, and supper, and beep beeps (his new love is smoke alarms) and snackies and........(Finally, oh-so-spiritual Mommy prompts..."and Jesus' name") AMEN!" Oh my - so cute, so sweet, so fun!
Well, this is all for now. I'm off to sit beside my best friend Mr. Air Conditioner and try to get some homework done in this blasted sweltering heat. Seriously though....we'd love for you all to come out and see us! Good times!
Haven't been here in awhile...
Holy blast - it just took me about fifteen minutes to try and remember my username and password. That shows me that I have not posted for quite the long time. So great ready - this might be a long one!
So - life in Philly these days...always crazy busy, but always good. I can't really complain at all. Kev has the summer off from classes, so he has been busy getting wired - I mean, he's been busy WORKING at Starbucks and memorizing how to make the fifty million drinks they sell. He comes home quite happy, and he usually brings me a drink, as well, so this arrangement works out quite nicely. Good times! He was offered the position of shift supervisor, and we are really praying about taking it. It would make his fall semester very very busy, as he would be working way more hours than he originally intended, but it is looking like it might be necessary for us to do at this stage of the game financially. It will be a little crazy, but he's making sure to still have plenty of time with Kaden, and he and I will probably be going on lots of study dates to Borders after Kaden is in bed while a friend upstairs babysits the monitor!
Kaden is growing like crazy and is saying so many new things every day. He truly is our joy out here. He keeps us sane and laughing, so this is good. He is busy busy busy, but oh so much fun! Every Saturday we try and go explore a new beach around here. Kaden loves the waves, playing in the sand, and digging for crabs. He is quite fearless about some things - like the ocean, and quite timid about others.....like fans! Very strange. Anyway, he is getting over his fear of fans - just the other day, he went over and hugged our stand up one and said, "Ohhh, nice cozy cozy fan!" Hmmm, who's child is this anyway? He is very much into doing everything himself now and is quite proud when he can accomplish something. The next stage for us will be potty training. I really think that he is ready right now, I am the one who is just not quite ready yet. I'll be doubling classes for the next month and half. So, when those have been completed, we'll start the potty training.
Life in this apartment complex is a blessing as there are many accessible friends who are on this same crazy journey that we are, but it is also a little strange. This is just a stopover point for all of us - a chapter to complete in our lives so that we can go on to other great adventures. So, it's always a little weird when the journey ends for one family and the rest of us are left here for a little longer. Kev and I think that we will probably be here the longest of all of the couples that are in our complex, so that will be very weird. A family just left last month, another will leave at Christmas, one in February, and probably two next summer. Meanwhile, Kev and Amy will still have at least one more year to go after that. Kinda' yucky - but we're trying to look at the big picture. One year is already down, and it really did fly quite quickly, so hopefully the next two will, as well.
All in all, I really do feel quite content here. We really really miss our family and our friends back home, and we really really want to end up in Maine when this is completed. But, we also want to view this chapter in our lives as an adventure, as well and just really make the most of our time out here. So, once again we say to you all - we would LOVE for you to come and take a road trip out to see us. We have a super uncomfortable sofa bed waiting with your name all over it! And we could probably do a pretty good job of getting us all lost in the big city - but we'd have fun doing it!
I'll try to post more often and not write such an epistle the next time!
So - life in Philly these days...always crazy busy, but always good. I can't really complain at all. Kev has the summer off from classes, so he has been busy getting wired - I mean, he's been busy WORKING at Starbucks and memorizing how to make the fifty million drinks they sell. He comes home quite happy, and he usually brings me a drink, as well, so this arrangement works out quite nicely. Good times! He was offered the position of shift supervisor, and we are really praying about taking it. It would make his fall semester very very busy, as he would be working way more hours than he originally intended, but it is looking like it might be necessary for us to do at this stage of the game financially. It will be a little crazy, but he's making sure to still have plenty of time with Kaden, and he and I will probably be going on lots of study dates to Borders after Kaden is in bed while a friend upstairs babysits the monitor!
Kaden is growing like crazy and is saying so many new things every day. He truly is our joy out here. He keeps us sane and laughing, so this is good. He is busy busy busy, but oh so much fun! Every Saturday we try and go explore a new beach around here. Kaden loves the waves, playing in the sand, and digging for crabs. He is quite fearless about some things - like the ocean, and quite timid about others.....like fans! Very strange. Anyway, he is getting over his fear of fans - just the other day, he went over and hugged our stand up one and said, "Ohhh, nice cozy cozy fan!" Hmmm, who's child is this anyway? He is very much into doing everything himself now and is quite proud when he can accomplish something. The next stage for us will be potty training. I really think that he is ready right now, I am the one who is just not quite ready yet. I'll be doubling classes for the next month and half. So, when those have been completed, we'll start the potty training.
Life in this apartment complex is a blessing as there are many accessible friends who are on this same crazy journey that we are, but it is also a little strange. This is just a stopover point for all of us - a chapter to complete in our lives so that we can go on to other great adventures. So, it's always a little weird when the journey ends for one family and the rest of us are left here for a little longer. Kev and I think that we will probably be here the longest of all of the couples that are in our complex, so that will be very weird. A family just left last month, another will leave at Christmas, one in February, and probably two next summer. Meanwhile, Kev and Amy will still have at least one more year to go after that. Kinda' yucky - but we're trying to look at the big picture. One year is already down, and it really did fly quite quickly, so hopefully the next two will, as well.
All in all, I really do feel quite content here. We really really miss our family and our friends back home, and we really really want to end up in Maine when this is completed. But, we also want to view this chapter in our lives as an adventure, as well and just really make the most of our time out here. So, once again we say to you all - we would LOVE for you to come and take a road trip out to see us. We have a super uncomfortable sofa bed waiting with your name all over it! And we could probably do a pretty good job of getting us all lost in the big city - but we'd have fun doing it!
I'll try to post more often and not write such an epistle the next time!
"My Life as a Youth Pastor"
So I'm thinking about writing a book. Of course, with all the extra time I have, it should be out next month. Seriously though, what do you think? It would be a book for youth pastors sharing lessons learned, blessings & challenges of youth ministry, etc. Who knows? I do think I could really get into it though. Books have been written about such topics, but I would like to write it somewhat like a journal. The real deal.
Free pour cappucino?
So last week I learned how to free pour a cappucino. Very interesting. This means you make the foam and milk as one so you can free pour it over espresso. If you have done it right, the milk and foam will separate to a half and half ratio.
Bet you can't do it!
Bet you can't do it!
Back in Philly.....
Well, here we are back in the city. It was great to be in our "homeland" for a couple of weeks - always a crazy whirlwind visit and never enough time to see everyone that we would like to see but always a blast nonetheless. (This is Amy, by the way, as I am sure you can tell by the "verboseness.") And now we are back in our "home away from home" until Christmas probably. Good times. We are, once again, settling back into our rhythm and routine of life - Kev is working full time at Starbucks while he is on vacation from classes, I am taking classes year round, so I am TRYING to not have a "vacation mentality" - but I can't help it -, and Kaden has grown into a "wild child" since we've returned. He is keeping us hopping - OH MY WORD! Just a couple of minutes ago, he put our car keys into an outlet, and his new favorite expression is "I WANT!...." So, presently we are really working on teaching him to say, "Please, may I have...." instead. I wouldn't say that he has entered the "terrible two's," stage quite yet, but I would definitly say that he is twice as busy as he was before we left for Maine. Maybe it was something in the water up there..... Anyhoo - nothing overly exciting to report here. Brenda McCleary may be coming to spend Saturday night with us this next week, and the entire Burt family will be staying with us when they drop Katie off in August. Fun! Fun! Open invite, by the way, to all of you fellow Maineiacs! Party at the Bookers! Hopefully, we'll have something more exciting to post later. Hey - at least we're posting!
Fish on ferns?

Hey guys!
This is Kev. We went on a canoe trip the other day down the millstream. I caught my limit in trout--5 fish all over 12". This is why I love Maine! We didn't have a frying pan so we made a fire and smoked them on a bed of ferns--delicious! It was my father-in-law's invention, and it worked great!
Hope all is well,
First Time For Everything!
Well, well, well.....Everyone and their dog has a blog - and now, thanks to my dear friend Esther, I am able to join in the fun! Good times! I'm not sure how well this will go or how committed I will be, but I think this will be tons of fun. Can't write much for now.....it's Scott and Esther's last night visiting us in Philly and we're leaving at 4:30 in the morning to head home to see friends and family. Yay! We live for these visits. So, we're off to show them where Kev works.....Starbucks! Imagine that - my coffee addict husband working at a place where he gets unlimited coffee and a free pound bag each week. Then, we're hitting the hay early to head home for our beautiful state.
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