Goin' On A Trip!

Kaden has been begging to "Go on a trip to see Grammy & Grampy!" So, Mother mine, if you are reading this - I'm a comin'! I was going to try and totally surprise you, but Aaron says that you suspect something, so my secret's out. For my dear friends and fam., here's the plan: I'll be in Bangor from Sunday night the 27th thru Thursday morning the 31st. Then, I'll be heading up to Canada (as Peter likes to say) to see my Quint clan. I'll be up in Hodgdon from the 31st thru Wednesday the 6th, and then I'll come back down to Bangor and stay until Saturday. This will give me about six days with each family - not too shabby. This will be a decent hold-over until Christmas! Kaden and I are both super excited!!!

On a different note...
I just can not tell you all how in love I am with my little family. God has been SO good to us, and He has blessed us so deeply. Kevin is my bestest of best friends, he is my soul-mate, and he is the love of my life. Adding Kaden to our family has only deepened and solidified our love for each other. Kev knows me better than I know myself, he is so very perceptive to my needs, he sacrifices and works so hard for our family, and he serves and loves me selflessly. He is the most amazing father, and he absolutely loves spending time with Kaden and building into him. Kaden adores him and lives for the moment that he hears the key turn in the lock and he can yell, "Daddy's hoooome!" There is nothing I love more than watching the two of them play and wrestle together laughing at the top of their lungs.

And my Kaden......oh how I love my little boy! He is my joy! I never imagined that I would love motherhood like I do. He delights me, he stretches me, and he teaches me lessons daily. He loves me unconditionally, he makes me laugh constantly, and he is saying and doing new things every day that constantly amaze me. I love spending our days together, I love reading books, snuggling together when we both first wake up, cooking together, and going on adventures with him. I can not wait for all of you to see how much he's changed and grown. He is so sweet, so tender, and so full of life and love.

I am blessed.


Anonymous said...

Amy, I love your passion for God, your family and life. Glad you are getting some family time soon. John will be headed to South Carolina as soon as he gets a solid job offer. I'll be following in November if the house sells. Unbelievable!! --Brenda

Life With My Joys..... said...

So, it is actually happening, eh? Hard to believe!!! We must chat soon - I want the full unabridged update! I love you tons!

Esther said...

Hey - I am so excited you're coming home! We'll be happy to have you here and we'll try to share you and Kaden with everyone else! I am having a Stampin' Up Party on the 29th at my house so I'd love if you could come! It's at 6:30pm and it'd be cool just to hang before or after that as well!

Anonymous said...

A.B., you make me cry sometimes. :) but it's good crying.

Anonymous said...

Wow Ame--I can so relate to your thoughts on mommyhood--Esther, you will love it! :)
Can not tell you how excited I am to see you and squeeze you--you won't believe how big Nat is...did I say that already? :) XOXO

Tracing in the Valley said...

Isn't it a blessing to have a wonderful husband. I am continually blessed by mine too. You make motherhood sound fun, it almost makes me want to try it. Love you.

Anonymous said...

It is so exciting to see all the ways God has blessed you.. even in times that looked dreary at first. And I can only wait and see what wonderful things God has in store for me! I know they'll be awesome.. and I guess they are now, too, now that I think of it!
So anyway, thank you for being an inspiration to me.
Love you always!