
Lord willing, you will never have to hear or read such phrases as: "Blasted Psychology" or "Psychology Schmycology" ever ever again. Do you know why? BECAUSE I'M FINISHED MY FINAL PAPER!!! Oh my, this is so very exhilarating. In retrospect, it's not even that the course was all that difficult - it was an Introduction to Psychology course - nothing advanced. However, because it was a correspondence situation that allows you to go at your own pace over a period of a year, it can just seem to drag on and on and on. I had until March to finish this final assignment, but it's just been hanging over my head for weeks and stressing me to no end. I don't like this vast amount of freedom for getting assignments done. I much prefer a bit more of a pressure situation, I guess. I like closer deadlines. So, now - praise Jesus - it is finished, and I can move on to more exciting and important things like figuring out Christmas gifts for people and enjoying our tree.......and Old Testament Prophets....yeesh....but not for a few more days. I need to revel in the success of one more completed class. I am so happy! Aaaand soooo sleepy....only....four....more.....courses to take.....zzzzzzzz.

P.S. - Our tree looks fantabulous! Kaden preferred much more to secretly stash our ornaments away into his own little box than to put them on the tree, but he loves the finished product, as well. When all was said and done, he proclaimed: "I love our tree. It's super fun!" I couldn't have said it better myself! :0) Good night, all. I'm off to la la land.

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