A Couple of Funny Things....

Kaden absolutely LOVED the Caedmon's Call concert that Kev took him to this weekend. They didn't get home until after 10:00 p.m! That is VERY late for this little guy who loves his sleep. He was so pumped and so happy when he walked through the door, though. I could tell that he had an absolute blast. Kev said that a number of times he asked if Kaden wanted to come home, but he would just smile and say that he wanted to stay a little longer. The only time where Kaden was restless was when the lead singer talked for quite awhile about Compassion. Anyway, I guess the guy had a bit of a stutter, and at one point, Kaden laughed right out loud and repeated what he said, while the rest of the entire audience was being silent! He wasn't being mean, he just found it funny. A few of the students looked back and found that to be quite amusing! Okay, lessons to be taught about imitating others......

Then, yesterday we were headed to the park and the boys and I waited in the car while Kev ran in to get us some coffee. (I know - hard to believe). We probably were waiting about ten or fifteen minutes, and I was so pleased that Jesse was being so content in the backseat. Every few seconds I could hear a really contented little grunt, but other than that - both boys were silent. Well, I just happened to glance in my rearview mirror at one point, and I see that Kaden is very nicely sharing his LOLLIPOP with Jesse! Oh my word! That's why the kid was so happy! Good grief! Okay, more lessons about what to share and what not to share with babies.......


Anonymous said...

Awww . . . at least Kaden's a good sharer. :)

Esther said...

so cute and fun! I miss our little Kaden! I emailed you - check your email : )

Anonymous said...

So cute...I love that Kaden had so much fun at the concert - that's awesome...I just laughed out loud imagining him repeating the guy with the stutter...I'm sure those around him were amused...

Jesse's first taste of lollipop...mmmm...hope he doesn't remember that taste for awhile...

Miss ya, Ame...I love that we can catch up on each other's lives through blogging, but...it really would just be so nice to SIT down together, and have some real TIME...I miss that...hopefully someday...

How's jesse's hand look?

Have a great day, my friend...

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Ame...you did something different, you computer-techy, you!! Does this mean you'll be adding pictures to your blog, as well?! Sure do hope so!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - you're too kind, my dear. Now, are you going to post pictures or what? I want to see your short 'do...and your sweet little kiddos!!!...c'mon, Ame...PLEEASE...?!?! We just want to see the Beautiful Bookers...

Anonymous said...

Hey, you changed your blog look! I like it-- especially the new header! :)

So, I'm off to Africa on Saturday! Hope you guys enjoy your "break"!

Sarah said...

Woah! New background. I likes. How'd you do that? It doesn't look like any of the cookie cutter ones that I know how to point and click on!