
Oh, it's been a really sad weekend so far.......

I had to rush Jesse to the emergency room this morning for bad burns all over his little hands. I know that accidents happen all the time, but I am KICKING myself that this one happened because of me. I left my curling iron on in the bathroom this morning like I have done SO many times before. Kaden knows not to touch it, so I didn't give it a second thought. He went in to wash his hands and Jesse just scooted right in after him. What is so frustrating to me is that I knew Jesse was going into the bathroom, but I totally forgot about my blasted curling iron being in there and ON.

He grabbed right ahold of that thing with both hands and then couldn't let go of it. The poor little thing was just holding it and screaming over and over again while it burned him. Aagh. That image has been seared into my brain for life, I fear. Kev had class today so I called a friend who - bless her heart - jumped out of the shower and flew over with her hair soaking wet. Her husband took their car and ran over to the school to get Kev out of class, and she drove the boys and I to the hospital and sat with Kaden in the waiting room for two hours. Kaden is playing at her house now, and Jesse has finally fallen asleep.

Our poor little baby screamed unconsolably for two hours straight. We had to keep switching out cold, wet compresses and now both little hands are all gauzed up. Thankfully, he does not have any third degree burns - just pretty bad second degree ones - and it could have been so much worse. He could have bit down on the iron and burned his face really horribly. But this is bad enough. The doctors say that he'll be in pretty severe pain for the next couple of days, and they want us to keep an eye out for swelling and sluggish blood flow into his fingertips, so please pray for him.

Kaden was such a big boy and a huge help. He never lost his cool while Jesse was screaming and while I was crying. He said: "Mommy, you're welcome for me telling you about what Jesse was doing! I'll look out the window for when Miss Charlotte comes and I'll go let her in for you!" So sweet. And poor Kev.....a security guard came and got him out of class. When he had Kev in the hallway all he said was: "One of your sons is burned!" So, my poor husband is imagining the worst while he rushes over to us. Yeesh. After all was said and done Kev said: "These sort of things completely drain me! I'm always close to being sick anyway because I'm always so sleep deprived. But when these things happen, it's like my whole body just shuts right down!"

So the rest of this little week-end will probably be spent pretty close to home. Jesse won't be able to crawl, nor will he be able to suck his thumb or feed himself cheerios - his three most favorite activities. So, the rest of us will need to give him lots of snuggles and babying.


Anonymous said...

Guys I'm so sorry to hear about Jesse. We will be praying for you! Love you guys much!

Steve & Jess

Angie said...

Oh Ame!! That's sooo sad!! I prayed for your sweet baby just now, and for you, sweet mama. I hate it when those things happen...most times they're harder on us mama's than they are on our babies. :( Please update soon and let us know how jesse bear is doing...i love you!!!! I'll keep praying my sweet friend!!

Shannon said...

Poor little guy!! I know exactly what it's like. We left the iron on one day and our little guy was rushed to emergency for burns on his hands. He had his hands all wrapped up for a week too. I also was kicking myself for forgetting such an important thing. Poor little Jesse. I'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to all of you . . . and let me know if you need any extra help, okay?

Love you!

(P.S. I kind of want to find that security guard and yell at him.)

Sarah said...

Oh Amy, I'm so sorry that happened! How scary for you guys. We'll certainly be praying for you!

Esther Littlefield said...


So sorry to hear about that! I heard it from Pat this morning in Sunday school. Anyway, be sure to put some melagel on those burns - it will help a lot! Jesse will be in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

aww poor sweet little guy, I hope he heals up soon. Ill be praying.
~Amy L.

Anonymous said...

my goodness. I got so teary reading this. Poor sweet Jesse. I hope he heals wonderfully!