Out of Context

It's funny how AMAZING ordinary things suddenly become when they are placed in a completely different context. ! All of the married renters just received an email from our landlord a couple of days ago which reminded us that our contracts stated "absolutely nothing" should be stored in either our front or back hallways. If things were not removed by Friday, than they would get thrown away with no questions asked. We also received an attachment with about fifteen photos of all of the things that they were talking about.

Some apartments had a few cleaning supplies outside their doors. Others had a laundry basket or two. Just about all of us had shoes and small things like that. Then came the pictures from the Booker residence. To our amusement (kind of), about 85% of the pictures taken of "illegal stuff" belonged to us! We not only had a basket of shoes in front of our door; we also had not one but two strollers in the bottom front stairwell, a blown up air mattress and a trunk in our back stairwell, and a clothes rack filled with drying clothes in the bottom back stairwell! Over time, stuff has just started to trickle out - EVERYWHERE! Everyone else in our building is either single or just newly married, and then there's us - toting two chitlins and almost nine years of crapola into a two bedroom apartment!

So, anyway....back to my first paragraph. Because we were told that inspection would take place this morning, and because it's pouring to beat the band outside, I brought our double stroller into our living room until inspection is over - and until it stops raining. And then, I guess I'll store it outside - maybe with a bike lock on it. Kev doesn't want it stored outside for fear it'll get stolen, but I will go crazy if this has to be a centerpiece in our living room. Lord, have mercy! Some creative storage options may have to take place here. ANYWAY.....both Kaden and Jesse have played with that silly thing ALL MORNING LONG. We're talking HOURS here! I've done five loads of laundry, made bread, swept my kitchen, sewed a little project, and I'm now blogging! I keep checking in and making sure Jesse is happy and asking Kaden if he's having fun because I'm feeling a little guilty. But he assures me that he's having a blast wheeling either Jesse, himself, or all of his stuffed animals in endless circles! "We're going on trips!"

And here I thought it was going to be a cagey, stuck-inside-grumpy-feeling day for my boys! Amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet girlfriend! I say keep the stroller indoors :) Seriously, though, it would drive me a little crazy too. I think it's so funny that you guys were the most delinquent of everyone--hee hee.