Cozy Times....

The day is winding down, and it's been good.

It's yucky outside. With the kids still not on top of their game, I told my friend that she should probably find someone else to watch her kids, and we just had a cozy day inside. Kaden never even got out of his p.j.'s! I love days like this once in awhile. I had no big agenda. We just played, read stories, and made a super huge "wall card" for Daddy for Valentine's Day. We used stickers, puffy paint, and water paint and Kaden has been SO excited to show it to him. He says: "Oh! Daddy is gonna be SO happy with this! This is SO GREAT!!!"

Jesse has been a bit of a crabadoo, but he's allowed. He's sick, he's hurt, he's got a bum rash, AND he's got another tooth trying to poke through. (Hence, the bum rash). So, we've been gracious with the (not so) wee one.

While the boys napped, I made my all time fave comfort food lunch: grilled cheese and tomato soup. Reminds me of home. Love it. Had a good time in the Word with the Lord. Reading in Exodus how God spoke "face to face with Moses as with a friend." How awesome is that? Seriously! Wrap your mind around that one.

Then, Daddy came home early to play with Kaden, so they've been out back sliding down our three foot tall mound (it's not even a hill, really) in the half inch of snow/sleet that we got today. It's freezing rain right now, so they're no doubt getting drenched, but this is the VERY first time there's ever been anything even remotely slide-able out here this winter! Meanwhile, Jesse and I stayed inside and I baked some super delish valentine kiss cookies to package up real prettily to give to friends. I wish they were mailable - my friends who live far away. Recipe to follow, though, and you can make some for yourselves and YOUR loved ones. Very easy, and VERY worth it!

When the boys come in, we're going to make pancakes and eggs for supper - per Kaden's request, and then once both wee ones are abed, hubby and I are going to snuggle up and watch American Idol. AAAhhh. A good day indeed.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice day - I love days when you can feel entitled to wear pj's all day...they happen FAR too seems like a nice day for that, to me...but, alas - I am at work. We're supposed to get another snow storm today, though, so maybe I'll get lucky and get sent home early. You would not believe how much snow we have had this winter - feels like its been snowing non-stop since the beginning of December..crazy. Ahh, American Idol - glad to know there are some other fellow-fans out there...we used to like the auditions the best, but -- I think from now on is really my favorite time...listening to people who can, for the most part, actually sing...

So - today you're going to see the doctor again...really hoping and praying for some encouraging news for you guys...I know you'll keep us posted -- you are really great at blogging (not so great at calling, but....ya can't win 'em all, can ya?!?!)...hee-hee...just teasin', Ame. I love ya...will chat soon...

Anonymous said...

I love pj days. I will be praying for you guys as you head off to the Dr.s. Thought of you this morning as they talked about the nasty weather in Philly on the news this am. I don't know if you have a hard time getting rid of his rash but Lexi would get bleeding rashs when she would teeth and this concotion worked really well on her. I would put destin on her first then put bag balm (the yellow stuff in the green tin) on over that. It was messy but then she would be a lot better the next time I changed her. I hope you don't mind my unsoliceted advice, but I hope it helps. Keep up the great posts.

Jessica said...

I dont know why my post was posted as anonymous. Just wanted to let you know that it was me. :) Also I am enjoying AI this year too.

Anonymous said...

Wow Ame. you really are on a posting roll lately! I love it. And I always think of you when I eat grilled cheese and tomato soup. I think of snow camp too. And I use mustard now because of thee. :)