I'm Baaack!

My! I've been slacking lately. It's been a whole four days. Thanks for the reminder, Kris!

Well, let's see. What have we been up to these days? Kev didn't have class this last weekend, which was glorious, so we did another little day trippy-doo like we love. Next weekend, he doesn't have class either, so we're going to do the manly thing and go to Cabella's. Again. Kaden loves it, Jesse is mesmerized in the backpack, and Kev has all these points he's earned, so he's pumped to get some free treasures. And me? Well, I get a couple of glorious hours - to myself - where I go upstairs to the restaurant, get a drink, and just sit. With my Bible and my journal. And it's Heaven. Really looking forward to Saturday, actually! :0)

The wee ones that I babysit for today are home with the pukes, so the boys and I went on a spontaneous little date today. We packed a picnic and walked over to the college campus to eat and feed the ducks by the pond. And then we went up to the library and signed out a bunch of fun books to read over the next few days. I didn't realize how blasted windy it was outside, so we nearly blew away, but the boys still had fun. I could tell that Jesse was trying to wrap his little brain around what in the world those feathered things that quacked were! He looked so confused, but was so excited; he kept lunging out of the stroller at them with his loud little grunt screams. Quite the picture!

Now they are napping. I had a good quiet time, and now I'm checking up on all of you guys. I've been reading in Exodus lately about the relationship that Moses had with the LORD - how he was called friend, and how we was given the opportunity to see the back of the Lord's glory. I keep thinking about the verse where the LORD tells Moses that He is a jealous God, and He desires for the nation of Israel to have no other gods than Him alone. Then, after speaking with the LORD on the mountain, Moses' face was shining, because he had been in God's presence. And the people KNEW it! There was no denying that Moses had been in the presence of God - speaking with Him, getting to know Him, and learning His heart.

That's what I want! I don't want Jesus to EVER question the place that He holds in my life! I want Him to always see that He comes first! And I know that this so often is NOT the case. I so quickly put other things before Him at times. When Moses was with Him on the mountain, he neither ate nor drank for forty days, because the LORD was ENOUGH! I want to live that truth - not by not eating or not drinking - but by REALLY living the truth that He is ALL I need. And I want those that come in contact with me to know that I've been in His presence! Especially my family who sees me for who I really am! I want my boys to grow up seeing Mommy constantly living in Christ's presence. I want them to catch me reading and praying and loving and serving and LIVING Jesus every day! That's my heart's desire. Okay. More later.....


Shannon said...

I am a Moses wanna be too. And a Joseph wanna be, and a Gideon, and a... well, you get the point.
Sounds like you guys are having good times. How is Jesse's little hand doing??

Anonymous said...

Its funny how you know things from the Bible, and can so easily just 'pass over' them...what an amazing thing to have people KNOW you've been in the presence of the Lord...that would be an amazing thing to be known by...we can get so distracted, huh? and let other things come before Him so quickly and easily and not even realize half the time...He's so gracious to us, though...thank goodness for that...

You guys must be going in to Philly today?! I'll be praying for you today - how's Jesse's hand look? I really hope you will get some definite answers today, just to put your minds at ease a bit...

Love you guys...and yes - we will have to try to plan another get-together one of these days...we're all so spread out now...I'm probably the farthest away...but, PEI is a great place in the summer!! You can all come meet my new-born!! Ahh...it would be so nice to see all you guys again - it has been far too long...

sarah said...

Hi Amy I got my recipe of the internet. I had to add quit a bit of flour because it was too sticky. If you don't have cream of tartar there are also other recipes online :) Hope you enjoy it. I found that with a pack of toothpicks and of candles he's good to go to make cup cakes for ever :) Sarah Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
2 packages unsweetened Kool Aid
3 tablespoons oil
2 cups boiling water

Mix dry ingredients. Add oil and water. Stir quickly, mixing well. When
cool enough to handle, knead with hands. Store in airtight container.

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sarah said...
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Esther Littlefield said...

love ya ame, love ya. that's all.