Round Two

Okay. There are just SO many things that I love, I just had to write a second list. I promise this will be my last, even though there are a kazillion things I could write about. This one is going to be a little more random and simplistic.....kinda like me...ahem......

1. kittens. (And NO - not dead ones, Peter C.) I love snuggling them, and a kitty's purr is one of my most favorite sounds. Seriously. It is.

2. Yard saling. Oh man - I think it's an addiction. On Saturdays, once the warm weather hits, it literally hurts me to drive past one. I am SURE that I am missing a treasure!

3. Old wooden boxes and trunks. Again - possibly another addiction.

4. Bittersweet berries in the fall. I love going on adventures to find them and then making them into crazy little wreaths to hang all over my house. (I DON'T love when the boys roughhouse and knock down all of the berries for months on end after said wreaths have been made and hung).

5. Shopping at funky, little antiquey stores when I can find fun little treasures.

6. Buying presents for people - big or small. It seriously makes me wicked happy.

7. Going on vacation, and it doesn't matter where.....camping, hotels, HOME, wherever. It's just so much fun knowing there's a little break in life and a change in routine for awhile.

8. A good hair day. Who doesn't love that?

9. Notes from Kev. I LOVE love letters.

10. How I feel after I exercise.

11. Things of beauty - creation, a great picture, anything that is really beautiful to ME.

12. A really deep, gut-wrenching, tear jerking, long lasting belly laugh with someone. And for some reason, I love it even more when it happens at an inappropriate time - like when I'm supposed to be quiet. How bad is that? It just seems to make things that much funnier!

13. A REALLY great movie with some REALLY fabulous food or snack to go with it. That's some good chill time!

14. Bonfires, 4-wheeling - Oh I really love 4-wheeling, going for a drive with no particular destination in mind, talks with my Dad, when Mom comes to visit, hanging with friends, camping, swimming, eating, going for walks, wooden stars, sunsets, pizza, restaurants, when those I love are happy, my brothers, my friends, world peace........okay, I said I'd stop.


Shannon said...

Mercy!! Lots of love, lots of love. :)

Anonymous said...

Somebody forgot to mention that they love writing lists....I think you better name us another 14 things, Ame...

Enjoyed reading your loves...all kazillion of them...My sister Erin always says she loves love...who doesn't, I guess, huh? Hope you had a great Valentine's Day...maybe we'll be able to chat this weekend...

Miss ya, dear friend...and...truly do love ya, despite our pathetic-ness...

Jessica said...

Ok ok I did it. Youtalked me into it. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Angie said...

one more thing to add to your list: your friend angie is alive and has blogged twice in the past 24 hours. yes, it's true. so, feel free to jaunt over to my blog and have a's not as lengthy as yours (for once!;), but i tried. love you, you lover of lots!

Anonymous said...

Amy always remind me of all the things I'm thankful for! And you are on my list of people for whom I'm thankful! I also so enjoy reading the blogs of your friends! And thanks for taking care of my sweet little girl in Philly!


Anonymous said...

Belly laughs at inappropriate times -- I can think of sooooo many instances when we did exactly this!!! Typically in church. How did our parents ever continue to let us sit together?!?!