Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay, everyone! Let's play! Shannon in Canada did this last year and has already given her post for the day, so we must all play along. In honor of today, let's ALL (even you Stevo-Supremo!) list 14 things that we love! Good times!

Okay, so here are 14 things that I love.....in no particular order.

1. My 3 boys. LOVE them. Wonder every day how I've come to be so blessed with them.
2. Family days. There's nothing more that I love to do than have a whole day with just us.
3. Coffee. The smell, the taste, the warmth in my hands, how it's usually drank over conversation with someone I love.
4. Blogging. I'm on quite a roll, I must say. I love posting, I love reading my comments, and I love reading other's updates. (Ahem, did you catch that last sentence, Ang?)
5. HOME and all it represents. My family, my roots, and Maine - minus the snow
6. The jeans I'm wearing. For some reason whenever I'm wearing only this pair, people ask me if I've lost weight. Come on! Who doesn't love that?
7. The fact that in the past couple of weeks I've done 30 pages in Jesse's baby book. He's finally born now! Whoo-hoo! I AM a good mother! :0)
8. Sleep. Deep, uninterrupted, when-I-wake-up-I-feel-like-I-could-conquer-the-world sleep!
9. A good book. One of those where you're sad to read the last page and have it be over.
10. ANYTHING that inspires me to be a better woman, wife, or mother
11. A really great, deep, vulnerable conversation with a friend
12. Warm, sunny, summer days spent at the beach with our family getting all wet and tanned
13. Snuggling with my boys while they're sleeping and breathing in their little smells
14. My apartment. Especially when it's clean, organized, and looks cute

Man. 14. That was so few! There are so many MORE things that I love! I might have to do a second list here a bit later.

Okay....tag to all who have blogs. And Jessica, you write one right along with Steve! And Jess Berry - this would be a great FIRST post for your NEW blog that you're going to start. Hint! Hint! Oh - and Kelsey - a perfect opportunity to update, since you haven't in about three months! Hast thou died?

Happy Heart's Day, all!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your love's...I decided to do the same thing on my blog, so...now that you are such a savvy computer-literate person...go ahead and check out my answers...

Happy V-Day, dear ol' friend...

Shannon said...

Love the list Amy! May I be very forward here and link you to my Mr.Linky? I am assuming you don't have a clue how to do it. :) I'm going to go ahead and do it and if you don't want it up let me know. And hey all of you friends of amy we need to fill up my mr.linky and get some people over to your blogs to check out your lists!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, I'm here via Shannon and her Mr.Linky :) I love your list! Especially the one about summer...oh how I miss summer!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll see what I can do...Steveo is feeling icky so you know what that means.... he doesn't want to do anything let alone think of 14 things.... Can't wait to see that list. Love you much.

Shannon said...

Hello again Amy. To learn how to add your own link to someones mr.linky you can check out my sidebar. I have a link under by Book Review Friday section about how to use it. Just pretend that all the directions are talking about any old general post you write instead of a book review. :)