I Chose You

Let me be clear. I DID NOT write this following little ditty, so I want to give full credit where credit is due. The only problem is that I do not yet know how to do all of those "linky doo" things to connect you folks over to other blogs and such. (More to come about that later. I need HELP people. There is so much I want to do with this blog, yet the skills are SEVERELY lacking).

So, anyway, I found this from Shannon, in Canada's blog (picture being able to click on those words and you could fly right over to her site) who got it from someone's else's blog. You following me? Okay. I read this this morning and I loved it. This is so what I needed today. I kind of feel like we are just barely treading water over here. There is just a lot going on with school, Jesse's burns, babysitting, cleaning houses, sickness, and just life, you know? EVERYBODY is busy - that's life, and I really do love it. I know that it will slow down a bit soon, people will feel better, Jesse's burns will heal, we'll catch up on sleep somehow, and we'll get back on top of things. Right now, it's just a little crazy. So, that's why I love this little ditty. :0)

(Picture that title being underlined. I don't even know how to do that. I'm pathetic).

This is for every woman who ever chose a child over other options.
(Picture this phrase being italicized. See above previous sentence in parenthesis).

I could have had more time,
more house,
more room.
I chose you.

I could have had more money,
more things,
more dinners out...
I chose you.

More me,
More sleep,
more freedom;
I chose you.

Less mess,
less cooking,
less laundry;
I chose you.

Less school, (well, not yet)
less PBS,
less PBJ,
I chose you.

Because of you,
I have MORE.
More love,
more memories,
more smiles,
more delight,
more joy.

Where would I be without you?

AHH! Good stuff! Now, I'm off to give Kaden a little bit of "me" while "Fussy-Doo Sicky Pants" has a nap. :0)


Unknown said...

Ok, so I'm in tears now. Thanks a lot Ame! :) Seriously, I'm thinking about printing that off and sticking it on my mirror. Love, need to call you soon, Shannie

Shannon said...

yeah, it had me in tears too. Good reminders. In those times when I'm at the end of my rope & exhausted it never did help for other ladies to say "Don't worry, this too shall pass." So I won't say it to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ame (I love your extra little comments that make this so vivid!!)...I read this the other day too from Shannon's site...made me teary, too -- for me, it is the anticipation of finally getting to be a mom, my dream for as long as I can remember...and must be a great reminder for those of you already moms...I am sure you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted - wish so badly we lived closer and I could help you out a bit...so sorry, friend - you are all in our thoughts and prayers, however - and I look forward to chatting, whenever that works out...and, hopefully your little Jesse is healing properly, and you will receive some encouraging news from the doctor this week - keep us posted.

I love ya - hope you will have an encouraging day today, Ame...

Anonymous said...

AMY!!!!!! I know you won't be using xanga (except to check on me, of course...and leave me oodles of comments!!) - but, just wanted you to know I am DELIGHTED you finally hooked up...I'm so proud of you, little Miss Computer!!! Wooo-hoo!!! Perhaps you got 'caught up' on my...not sure how exciting...life...we will still, however, need to TALK one of these days...if/when things slow down on your end. you must be going to see the doctor again soon about Jesse...be sure to keep us posted!!...we're thinking of you and praying for you lots, and hope you will receive some GREAT news about his dear little hands...

I love ya - and am glad you figured out xanga...way to go!!! Hope to chat soon...

Anonymous said...

Awww, Amy . . . what a sweet poem. I love it! :)

(P.S. I'm not posting this just because you noted that I didn't say anything about it . . . I really do like it!)
