
Here's the deal.

Jesse is going to be seen by a plastic surgeon who is also a hands specialist tomorrow morning at 10:00a.m. We're going to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia right in the heart of Philly - Kev's real thrilled about that - but supposedly they're the best. Not overly sure what to expect. They may cut away the excess skin from the broken blisters, they may recommend surgery, or they may just look at him and say that all is healing well. We're hoping for this last diagnosis! The blisters were so huge that when they burst, there is a ton of skin that is now laying against his palms and fingers. The doctors just want to make sure that his hands heal correctly and that he'll be able to have full range of motion once everything begins to heal. We are praying for the best.

If the diagnosis is okay - and the visit is not overly draining for all of us - we're maybe going to take in the sights and check things out in the city of Brotherly Love for the day. Kev's not a huge fan of the whole city scene, but I say if we're there, we might as well make the best of it! :0) We've only been there one time in the ENTIRE time we've lived here. Kev's been kind of proud of the fact that we've never driven into the city and was hoping to maintain that record until we moved home! Alas, the poor guy gets to drive right into Center City! Kinda funny.....

Anyhoo, we're all feeling a little fried around here. Both boys are fighting yucky colds and have been a wee bit grumpy these past couple of days. Kev is finally starting to come out of his blech-iness and was able to make up two tests today. I tell you - I am so spoiled. He is such a hands-on, involved Daddy, that when he is out of comission for a few days, my world gets totally thrown. I feel like a single mom! I'm pathetic.

Well, the kids are a-bed, so we are off to eat pie, watch American Idol, and hit the hay early in hopes of a very UN-eventful day tomorrow!


Shannon said...

Oh, I really hope all is well and nothing more needs to be done. The poor little guy, and poor you. Stuff like this is totally draining. have a good trip and I'll look forward to hearing good news when you get back.

Trish D said...

Praying for you guys.

Esther said...

We'll be praying for you guys! I pray that Jesse will be healing just fine, and that you have a safe and fun day in Philly!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ame - not sure if you got my message yesterday, but...just wanted you to know we're thinking about all you guys, and will certainly be praying for you today - for great news and speedy recovery for little Jesse...and safety and fun in the City! I can't believe you've only been there ONCE - Kevin!! Come on! - You can do it!! Hope you guys are doing okay - you've certainly been in our thoughts...will look forward to hearing the news...and hopefully getting to actually SPEAK one of these days...when you're up to it!! take care, my dear friend...

Angie said...

thinking and praying of you right now (and throughout the day). let us know what the doctors say...love you. angxoox

Anonymous said...

Kev and Amy, I am just now getting the news about Jesse. I am so sorry my friends. I love you and will be praying for his complete healing and for the rest of the family. Oh I wish I was there to give big, big hugs. --Brenda