I Can See the Light!


It has been a HAUL for the Bookers lately. On a number of occasions Kev has stated: "The Bookers are falling apart!" Between Jesse's burns and each of us at varying degrees of sickness, it has surely been interesting around these here parts the past couple of days. On Sunday, I planned to stay home with Jesse because he had a little fever. Kev was going to take Kaden with him to church, but when I woke up, I could hardly see straight. He told me to go back to bed and he called the pastor to say he was going to stay home to take care of me. Let me tell you, while Sunday was "the worst of days" for me sickness wise, was it ever "the BEST of days!" I went back to bed and literally slept until 4:00 in the afternoon! Now THAT was a nap! I have been pining for some extra sleep, and God let me have it in spades on Sunday!

So, today, Kev and I are somewhat feeling back to our chipper selves. While the boys are still not quite back to their prime and are at varying degrees of fever, coughing, and grumpiness - I find it much easier to be a loving, compassionate Mommy when my own head is not throbbing and when I'm not seeing TWO Kaden's and TWO Jesse's!

Kev and I were talking over supper last night, and we were saying that these past ten days (since Jesse burnt himself and since we've all been so sick), has been probably been one the most stressful times in the 8 1/2 years of our marriage. There were some really overwhelming days. If it has done anything, it has really shown us how much we take for granted just in the day to day living and how thankful we need to be for the little things that really aren't so little i.e. the months on end where we are all healthy, ALL of the times that our children are pain free, and the days on end that go by WITHOUT misshap. It has also given me great respect and compassion for the families that truly do have serious issues with a child - maybe a life-threatening disease, a horrible illness, a birth defect, or something that will have to be lived with for LIFE where there IS no end in sight. Forty minutes of changing bandages day and night with a crying baby who is in pain has given me just a tiny taste of what others probably go through year in and year out. It has made me thankful and it has given me perspective.

We go back to the doctor tomorrow to get our diagnosis on whether or not Jesse will need a skin graft. Whatever the answer, I am at peace.


Anonymous said...

So glad you got such a nice long sleep, Ame - I am amazed at how much difference in perspective and energy SLEEP makes...and glad you guys are feeling a BIT back to normal...I will be really praying and hoping that things go well tomorrow...Amazing, too, that things like this can give you such a new perspective on how fortunate you are...and give you better insight into what other people may experience...I have prayed everyday for our little one to be healthy...what a huge blessing a healthy child is...I will continue to pray for your little Jesse...expecting some good news...I love ya, dear old friend...hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - I think its so funny we are now keeping touch through the internet. (Our mothers would be appalled!!)...the only thing you'll really leave is a comment...the e-prop and high fives or whatever else...not sure - I think they're automatic...I'm not that computer-literate myself!!...I'm not a great blogger...sometimes I'm transparent, sometimes i'm hesitant to write how I really feel, 'cause there are a variety of people and variety of types of relationships that read...but - I love reading other people's blogs - an easy way to keep in touch...one day soon, I will home during the day, though - and I CAN'T WAIT!!! (I'm sure we'll be talking DAILY then, right?!?!) ha ha!! I'm glad you are able to read my blog now, though...I will update as much as I can...(heaven knows I have TIME at my job!!)...let me know how things go tomorrow!! I love ya, Ame!