I Almost Forgot.....

You're supposed to tag the same number of people as letters in your name. I have six letters, but just in case not everyone wants to play, I'm listing more:

1. Angie S.
2. Shannon C.
3. Esther L.
4. Sarah Y.
5. Jessica Bloods
6. The other Jessica (I can't remember your married last name)
7. Kristi - even though you already got tagged by Shannon. I didn't want you to feel left out!
8. Katie B.
9. Kelsey B.
10. Trish D.
11. Shay P.
12. Ana B.
13. Alyssa F.

Tell me if you've done it!
You know, since I don't YET know how to do the linky-doo things with all your names..........


Shay said...

Alrighty ducky, here ya go: http://pepperpottery.blogspot.com/2008/02/amys-challenge.html

Esther said...

I did it Amy!

Anonymous said...

I ignored Shannon's tag (I'm so rude!)...and perhaps will ignore yours as well...I can't think of things for my middle name...but, keep trying to, so we'll see...) I really loved your 'rebel' comment, too...You have hidden it well, my friend...and, I'm with Ang - you should totally get tats and piercings...that would be awesome!!...okay...glad you guys had a good weekend - now its Monday again...why does the weekend always seem so short once Monday morning rolls around?! I have 5 more weeks of work...oh my word, I hope I survive!! Geesh...

Anyways...love your blogging...and can't wait to find another!! Love ya - and hope you have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no-- I only have TWO letters. :P This could be VERY interesting.