Yuckiness Abounds

We took Jesse to his pediatrician today to have them check out his burns. He's managed to pull or bite his bandages off twice now causing several of his blisters to burst, but we've been able to stay on top of infection. No signs so far. However, after looking at his little hands, the doctor wants him to be seen by a plastic surgeon to make sure that they heal correctly. Fabulous.

Kaden also had a check-up because he's been coughing for about three months straight - mostly right before and after bedtime or after he's been rough-housing with Kev. The doctor determined that he has "cough induced asthma" and gave us a nebulizer with some steroids for him to inhale each night before bed. Joy.

Both boys woke up with runny noses and a case of the grumpies, and Kev is feeling like he got run over by a mac-truck (mack-truck??). Wunder-bar. The flu is flying around here like crazy, and it looks like he might be fighting it. He's reminding me of a walking zombie - yet papers and tests still abound. Poor guy.

And me. Well, I'm doing okay. I've come to grips with the fact that "motherhood" and "guilt" are synonymous terms, and I'm accepting that fact. People have been so sweet about checking in on us and sharing all of their "mother-guilt" stories with me. Makes me feel a little better. :0)

Now they are all a-bed, and I'm just going to sit and stare into space for awhile!

"His mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh Lord." Amen to that....


Anonymous said...

Love you girl! Try to just have some you time for a few while the boys are down for the count tonight. Love you much! We will be praying for you. Hugs and Kisses from Maine.

Anonymous said...

Hope your 'staring into space' gave you a few moments of much-needed, I'm sure...relaxation. Hope your boys (all of them!) will be on the mend soon...athsma is no fun - Lori's got 2 kids that have it...I'm sure the medicine will be a big help, though. Its hard seeing hubby sick, too...hope he can get some rest and be better soon, too...always something going on, isn't there? Hope you are doing okay, sweet friend...I am praying for little Jesse - hope his hands will heal quickly and he will get distracted with something other than his bandages! Keep us posted. Love you, Ame.

Anonymous said...

oh ame, missing you guys, wanting to be there to take care of you! Yeah, mommy guilt is pretty much a redundant statement isn't it? :) Loves to you all!