When Mommy is Away....

When Kev got home from school today he let me scoot out for a few hours while he offered to stay home with the boysies. This was a very nice, unexpected gift, and I flew like the wind conquering all of the little things that have been on my list for weeks but that haven't been quite worth unstrapping two wee ones in and out of cars seats in order to get done. (Whew! THAT was a really long run-on sentence!)

So, anyway....I scored a brand new winter jacket for Jesse to wear next year at a whopping $6! Whoo-hoo! I found a couple of treasures at my little antiquey store that I love, did some returns, found a bathing suit that this body that has birthed two can somewhat handle, and purchased a birthday gift for a friend. Not too shabby for someone who hates to shop! Anyway, I digress from the point of this post.

Upon returning home, my apartment had been transformed! While I was away, Daddy and the boys set up our HUMONGOUS tent in the middle of the living room, put a camp chair in there for Kaden - along with ALL of his stuffed animals and tools for fixing whatever needed fixing, and there they sat - happily playing and eating pancakes for supper! Oh my word! It was so cute, and Kaden was so hyper and happy. Our neighbors from upstairs came down to ask us something and as soon as the door opened, they had to step right into the tent in order to even get into our apartment! So, they came in and had a little sit down for a few minutes with us right inside the tent. Fun fun!

It is very true that Daddy's and Mommy's play very differently with their children! I would have - you know - colored with them or read stories.......


Anonymous said...

Awww, cute, Ame...I'm sure those boys love the play time they have with both of you...what fun little parents you guys are!!! I love that your neighbours had to visit inside the tent, too!!! (Would love to see pic's of your boys!!!, by the way...)

Hope you guys have a great weekend -- any big plans?! I am having my baby shower at mom's tonight - quite excited about that, though it surely would be nice to have you and Ang here, too...I keep thinking lately SO much, how nice it would be to all get together...will it ever happen? I have a good chance of seeing you when you move back to Maine - and I'll see Ang this summer, too....but, it would be nice if we could all get together...we'll have to think more about that for the near future...you guys will have a lot going on this summer, I'm sure, finishing up down there -- I can't believe its coming to an end -- wow!!! You guys must have lots of mixed emotions about finishing, leaving, moving, etc...you'll have to keep us posted on things!!!

I'm writing a novel here to you somehow....I'll try to give you a call soon here -- I love ya, Ame -- hope you have a great weekend with your boys...I have one more day of work after today -- so, be sure to write lots of blog entries for me to read on Monday!!!! ha ha...

Love you, dear friend...

Trish D said...

How fun (both for you AND for the boys!)

Anonymous said...

Ame, will definetely NOT be the end of our communication -- perhaps it will improve, with me being HOME - who knows?!...and we will definetely let you know the details when our little one arrives...and I'm sure I'll be calling you and venting frustrations, joys...etc...what a crazy thing!!! I'll try to call you next week (hopefully BEFORE baby arrives!!) - would love to chat...I miss you - would so love it if all my girls could be here right now - I really miss you, and love you so much...be praying for me, okay?! (I feel these days at any moment I could burst into tears...so many emotions!!!) oh my word. Okay - I love ya -- will talk soon!!