It's a Sad Day....

Well, my dear friend Rachey left me today. Our week together absolutely flew by. She was my sanity out here when she and her hubby lived here. We were in the same program together, the same stage of life marriage wise, we both had babies while we were out here, we share the same loves and interests, and, well - I was just blessed to have her for those two years. This last year has been a little rough without her!

So, we had seven days of visiting, eating, going on adventures whenever one of the three kiddos wasn't napping, and just some really great talks sharing hopes, dreams, struggles, wisdom, advice - you name it. It was Heaven. And tonight I'm sad.

On another note......I just don't think it's going to work out between your wee one and my Jesse. I think she's looking for a guy who is, shall we say, a little less intense? She didn't seem overly impressed by his bathtime splashing, or by his toy bonking. Come to think of it, by the end of the drive to the airport today, she really didn't even want him looking at her, did she? :0) Just kidding! She did awesome with two crazies for the week!


Anonymous said...

Amy, I just caught up on all your blogs for the past month. You have been one busy little beaver! I am so glad that God gave you time with family and friends to refresh your spirit. I have to admit it made me want to come see you right now! How I miss your laugh, your love and your hugs. --Brenda

Trish D said...

So glad you could spend that time with Rachel! Hope you all have have a blessed Easter