Heater Hunting

A bee-you-ti-ful fall day begs for a lovely drive in the country...in search of our supper, of course. The elusive partridge!

Kevy drove, prepared with his hunting hat all askew:

Kaden hung out of one window, prepared with his bow and arrow:

Jesse hung out the other, prepared with his sling shot:

And Ransom sat betwixt them, prepared with his.......talking toy Elmo:

But he soon ended up like this:

I drank my hot coffee and looked at a cooking magazine. Ahem.

And, although, we came home with nary a birdy, we DID however, come home with THIS:
(NOT sure what all these next letters mean, but I can't get rid of them......Feel free to ignore.....)
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjNtpufp4a-HbJgRcu1c2wAdN34It-xu921-xPy7AFzrDGm7aOMIs8j_Cttzu1rlCi-bsVQZAqr3OQb_g3mAAEmioujJ0J8PfstXpOCuBtZzveB8Tjic6Cq9sxYgQdhdxhcEDFb/s1600/hunt+007.jpg">

Meet the newest member of our family.....for a day or so, at least.

I hear tell that it's illegal to take these guys from their natural habitats.
Well, had I NOT rescued this little guy, he would have been squashed in two seconds flat. He was trying to cross a very busy road.


Will we be felons and keep this little guy, or will we be good little citizens and send him home?

That is the question posed, my friends. THAT is the question posed.

To be continued...............

1 comment:

Rachael said...