Four Under 4 in the Great Outdoors......

is surely a CHORE!

Oh my - I surely earned my wages babysitting today! I'm beat! Since the weather has been so gorgeous these past few days, I thought it would be fun for Kaden and the 2 year old that I babysit to play outside during the babies' naps, and then we could all be outside for the last little while before their mommy came home.

Well - the idea was GREAT in theory! And I actually, honestly, do think that it went fairly well - looking back; it was just a heck of a lot more work than keeping them all contained in our wee apartment! And seeing as how I am the ONLY mom in the ENTIRE complex of newlyweds, I'm sure that if anyone had their windows open this fine morning, they surely would have experienced some lovely birth control!

I can say that 100% of the time, three of them were happy; but 100% of the time, one was usually crying or in Jesse's case - screaming, as well! Oh, and neither baby slept for more than 45 minutes for their morning naps, either, when they both usually give me an hour and a half each. Joy.

So anyway - we lugged out Kaden's tent and set that up, we brought out some fun snacks, I pulled their trikes around back, got both boys a dump truck, set up the slide, and we brought out books and crayons....which was nice and fun....but took a thousand trips to do so.

And then, pretty much my morning consisted of this: fishing a kazillion rocks out of Jesse's mouth, keeping Meg rotated so that she stayed out of the sun and everytime I moved her she would freak out, wiping off Meg's perpetual reflux that kept gushing out of her, keeping Reid out of the tadpole pool, getting Kaden's arm unstuck from the tree he was trying to climb, keeping Reid off the tops of the picnic tables that he kept thinking he could just step down off of, finally giving up on Jesse and just praying that he wouldn't choke, changing two poopy diapers, building a "worm house" for Kaden and consoling him when they all escaped, kissing scraped knees from diggers and falls of the trikes, keeping Jesse from attacking Meg who was laying on the ground, and referee-ing snack thiefs! Whew!

Kudos to all of you who have more than two! Maybe we'll try again when Jesse's sixteen......juuuuuuust kidding.


Esther said...

what am I getting myself into??? I am glad I'm starting with just one!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I want kids now. :)

No, I'm not kidding. I'm just craaaazy.

(It's also a lot less daunting to say that when no possibility is within sight.)


Amy, you're definitely one of my heroes!

Anonymous said...

Hey . . . so unless I get an e-mail or something from you tonight I'm gonna call soon after seven . . . I'm assuming breakfast tomorrow still works? Let me know what time! :)