Take the Good with the Bad

Wow! I haven't written for awhile. There have been so many things going on my life right now that I feel like I want to write about. Both really great and really yucky! :0)

Good things first!

My Mom is here for an unexpected visit. She caught a ride down with a couple from my church up home who are on vacation, so we get to have a wonderful week together. This is so fun, because we both expected that the next time we'd see each other would be over the Christmas season, and that's going to be CRAZY because my little bro is getting married just a week after Christmas.

My little Jesse bear is an ENTIRELY different little boy that he was even a couple of weeks ago. I was hoping this would happen. I was praying it would happen. And so far - it's true! For some reason, we give birth to WRECKS who can't shake it off until they hit three or four months of age. He is now giving me two pretty decent naps - with very little crying as he goes down, and he is in bed for the night at 6:30! He is just so pleasant and content now! Tons of smiles and coos, and although he was always quite yummy - man, we REALLY like him now!

Other things.....I was trained to be a Clarion Consultant last week. I have tons to write about this, but just let me say that I love love love what I am learning about this. I'm excited about how the Lord may use this in Kev's and my future, and I'm loving how He is using it to change people's lives.

One more - on Kev's fall break in two weeks, he is whisking our little family away for a couple of nights to Lancaster - meals and pool included. WE CANNOT WAIT!!!

Okay, now for the yucky yucky happenings here....

Two of our dearest friends who have lived with us in this complex for as long as we have are moving next Friday. Kev and I will be the last of the "originals" and the ONLY ones with kids. I am SO bummed and I fully intend to be devastated and depressed when they leave. Rachel and I see each other just about every day, we always go for walks together, and we have been raising our youngest babies together since birth. Ahhh, I feel sick to my stomach thinking about her moving.....We all knew that this was a transient place for all of us to be. It's just not fun when everyone leaves before you do. Blech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, sorry about your friends leaving...isn't it sucky that this is just life now..people coming and going out of our lives all the time...I miss the "good ol' days" (sometimes) when things seemed more settled and 'permanent' (even though they weren't...we were just oblivious to life...) anyways...I know that's hard having good friends leave your every-day life. I hope you will be okay, though.

I'm glad to hear Jesse is settling into life a little bit more...that must be so nice for you guys, and to get into more of a routine and everything. That's awesome!

I hope you've had a great visit with your MOm...I miss seeing all you guys -- its been TOO long!!! Would love to come for a visit!!

Hope you have a good weekend, dear friend -- I love you so much, and hope to chat with you again soon!!!