Still Refreshed.....Yet VERY Frazzled!

Our Jesse seems to have fallen back into a bit of a funk lately. He is napping wretchedly, so he is perpetually tired and grumpy. And now that he is able to flip himself over onto his tummy, he wakes up all throughout the night upset that he can't get back over onto his back. He's been consistently sleeping through the night for 10-14 hours since week six, but these past few weeks, he's been getting up anywhere from one to five times a night! He is also becoming quite the screamer! Whew - it literally curls your toes when he is MAD!! So, we've been doing lots of talking about our game plan strategy! He wakes up from a nap after only 30-40 minutes of sleep sobbing and exhausted, but he just can't seem to get himself back to sleep again. Hmmm. We'll keep you posted on how we plan to keep our sanity! It's amazing - Kaden is completely able to sleep through the tears. I feel so badly for them both, but such is life in an apartment!

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