Jesse Update Once Again....

Jesse had his four month check-up today. Joy unspeakable. I am pleased and proud to announce that he is no longer skyrocketing off the charts - he's still off, mind you - but he's "leveling" according to the pediatrician. His head is average, his length is in the 90%, and his weight is 19.9 pounds - the poundage of an average eight month old! But hey - he's leveling!

He had three shots today. We opted out of a couple of the ones that they recommend, but three has still served to give us quite the little grumpy monkey. His reactions to shots have been so different than Kaden's. Quite funny, actually. Kaden would look at us like we utterly betrayed him and then he'd cry as though his heart was breaking. Jesse screams - quite loudly - at the onslaught of the shots, and then proceeds to cry - madly and glare at the nurse until she leaves the room! As soon as she leaves, he stops, puts his thumb in his mouth, and then grumbles to himself for a few more minutes until he snaps out of it!

Okay, I'm off. He's starting to give me the look that he gave our little nurse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, man-- I want to see this "Jesse glare," only I know that it would end in someone being upset . . . . so I won't pursue it. :)