
We had such a fun family vacay in Lancaster County this past week. No agenda really, only plans to connect and play as a family. And play we did.

Our hotel had a little kiddie pool area with sprinklers and a mini waterslide that Kaden absolutely loved. Jesse got into the water as well, for the first time, and really loved it. It was so cute - he wasn't fazed a bit if water got splashed in his face or when we almost totally submerged him! We also went on a buggy ride, walked through a corn maze, petted farm animals, did a little shopping, poked around some antique stores, and ate ourselves into oblivion. Good times!

Jesse didn't do so well in his hotel crib though, so for much of most nights, he was in bed with us. It was also interesting trying to get both boys to have their naps in the same room, as well. At home - Jesse naps in a pack 'n play in our room. So, there were a few frazzly moments, but all in all, it really was a really great time.

I love getting away. I love the conversations we have in the car, I love the uninterrupted and undistracted time we have with the boys, and I just really love the break from life for awhile. It's nice to get away and refocus. Much needed.

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