In the Mood to Cull!

Every few weeks this irresistable urge comes over me to throw things away! I cannot stand clutter, and living in this small space quite frequently gives me the feeling of our walls beginning to close in on me. Therefore, to solve this dilemma - I must purge! Kev has been duly warned - when I get in these moods, I can go a little crazy. So, I've been given strict instructions not to throw away anything that is his OR OURS. He didn't clarify this last time, and I got rid of tons of "our" stuff that he was not overly enthralled with me about.

I've always said that I'll let my kids be kids and I will let them play and build forts and leave train sets out etc., but every once in awhile I have to have my place back to myself. This morning, Kaden had his whole train set out in his room - which is fine - his room is his room. But, He also had his entire K'NEX set out with the hundreds of parts strewn all over the floor, he'd built a "bridge" with all of our couch cushions, and he had every single one of his little matchbox cars lined up beside the bridge. That's fine - that's a normal day for us. Usually, he's pretty good about getting one or two things out and then putting them away before playing with other things, but once in awhile he loves to be surrounded by his treasures, and that's fine.

But, for those few hours of quiet napping, I like to put everything back in its place and have my home be the way I like it! Clean and uncluttered. :0) Anyway, when I start to feel this way, I just haul out an empty box, walk through every room of my apartment, and fill this box with things that I never use, that I don't like, or that I don't need. Then I seal it up, mark "Yard Sale" on it and bask in the joy of uncluttering a bit!

I may have problems, but I really do love chucking things. I love simplicity. I love openness and emptiness. And since we've once again brought up the big and necessary baby things that give me sanity such as exersaucers, johnny jump ups, and play mats, I feel the need to get rid of other things! I just filled not one, but TWO boxes of "stuff"; I also hung a couple of bittersweet wreaths up on my walls, rearranged some cupboards, organized a closet, and hung some cute black and white candids up of the boys.

Now I'm just savoring the quietness and neatness, the simplicity and orderliness.....for a few more minutes anyway! Is it a losing battle that I'm fighting? Maybe! But we're all happy! The boys get to be boys and play at will, and I get to organize, throw, and rearrange.......and then for a few minutes each afternoon just sit and savor!

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