Rainy Daysies

"It's the joy of small that makes life large...All wonder and worship can only grow out of smallness" ~ Ann Voskamp

459. Day 100 of school

461. Breakfast and Mancala

462. Coffee dates with little boys.

460. Dreams of spring!

450. Growing baby with love of books.

451. Rain that washes snow away
448. Late night talks with friend across town while rest of our homes sleep
452. Pancakes and eggs at 8:00 p.m. - a breakfast date on our living room floor
446. Garden talks with Lew
455. Basement gutters truly working!
447. Sickness that does not sweep through the entire house

"The perspective of smallness is what cultivates surprised wonder, grows gratitude, and yeilds joy." - Ann Voskamp (One Thousand Gifts)


Kevin and Amy said...

What's a "basement gutter?" Kev

Life With My Joys..... said...

Hey YOU! Get your own blog.....

Angie said...

haha! I love that your hubby is a stalker on your blog. :) Lovely post my friend...*mwah*.