Today's Top Ten.

"Gratitude is the memory of the heart." ~ Jean Baptiste Massieu

On this sunny(!) and warm (!) 5th day of December...
A list of loves, the things that today I am grateful for:

1. Daddy and Ransom snuggles after Daddy comes in from the big hunt. Be still my heart.

2. Ransom's thorough enjoyment of his breakfast. My boy loves his oatmeal.

3. Kaden's newfound passion for hunting after slaying his first squirrel of the season. The beast has been unleashed, and now amidst all of my various Christmas decor above my fireplace sits a tail drying by the fire awaiting more "friends." Sweet.

4. Jesse joining his brother on the big hunt and promptly being sent home because "he just can't stop talking, Mama."

5. Gifts from my girls.

6. Ransom and Mama dates to the coop. The bestie best of times.

7. My little house and my little hoolies racing up the driveway.

8. Jesse swinging sky high. Pure, unadulterated joy.

9. Kitten love. Jesse has claimed this cat for his own.

10. Kitties sunbathing on my bed. A rough life.

* * * *
(#2176. - #2186.)

"No man can live without joy." ~ Thomas Aquinas.
So, today, "I will take the joy." ~ Habakkuk 3:18


Angie said...

love your little family. and that picture of kev and ransom is so sweet. Frame it! xoxo

rachael a said...

ahhhhhh. . to be a cat.
