
Some interesting events took place this week-end.

Ransom fell in our stream and was completely submerged underwater before I got to him. Kaden did flip him over and had his head above water seconds after he fell, but still....

...what could've been.

Jesse was playing with a jacknife, and he sliced his hand. Not too badly, but still....

...what could've been.

I feel like I've aged a little bit this week-end.

Our lives. They're like a vapor.
Life as we know it today can be puffed out in an instant.
It's so fragile. We are all so very fragile.
Today is all we have. There is no guarantee for tomorrow.

I gave the easy thanks this week-end.

The rushed and whispered, "Thank you, Jesus, that we got to the baby in time."
"Thank you, Jesus, that it was only a surface wound."

What if things had gone differently?

I believe that God is always good - all the time.
I believe that He loves my children more than I do.
With every once of my being, I believe this.

But, will I be able to give the hard thanks if and when that day comes?
Will these words - this faith on paper - ever be put to the true test?

I lingered just a little bit longer by their bedsides tonight.
I hugged them all just a little bit tighter.

I want to savor long whatever time holds.
I will live fully today - right now.
I will love well in this moment.
I will embrace a lifestyle of radical gratitude - a daily discipline...
I will practice this every single day.

So that if and when that deep, valley day comes - a day when I may need to beg to see the blessings, and a day when I may need to do war with the Enemy to fight the battle of bitterness...

I will win.
By God's grace, I'll win.

1053. Seeing him fall - arriving in time.
1054. A jacknife slip - only a graze.
1060. The precious gift of today.
1061. Reminders of what is really important.
1062. God's gentle watchcare - the greatest Parent.
1063. Protective big brothers.
1064. God's goodness. Always. No matter what.
1065. Bandaids and neosporin.
1066. Hot baths that soothe the tears and the fear.
1067. Reminders to see past the petty.


Kristi said...

The "what could've beens" are crazy perspective givers, aren't they?! We were in a paddle boat 2 summers ago with Jonah and it flipped and me and jonah were UNDER the boat, for only moments, but...its a feeling I will never forget...thinking about what 'could've been'...we are blessed abundantly...and choosing to see that in the little things and the big things...can sometimes be a challenge, until we're reminded...and He seems to keep finding ways of reminding us...that's the good thing. I'm glad your boys are okay...that's so scary...I can't wait to see you and your boys. I miss you.

Rachael said...

Little reminders of God's grace for sure! What an emotional weekend! Glad that all is well, though...