
Bonding with my biggest boy...

My guy whose love language is quality time, just like his Daddy.

These little voyages through our woods (risking poison ivy for the sake of adventure) are the times when I get the most unsolicited hugs, the happiest little conversations, and "I love you's" that come first from his mouth.

As we were exploring in the pond, he looks over at me and asks: "Mommy - aren't you so exited?"

And I totally am! This is how he and I bond best. Exploring nature and looking for treasures - snakes, salamanders, frogs, taddies - whatever. We share the same love.

...But very different syles of snagging us our bull frogs. I like to go in for the super-fast-catch-'em-by-surprise swoop. Kaden prefers the stealth approach. Observe:

SWEET success!

I shall call you Maurice.

We also have a Claude and a Van Buren.
And two others who are awaiting their names.

As we were walking back home through the woods together, I looked down at my sweet boy and said: "That was good, huh?
And he replied: "That was MORE than good!"

Moments to treasure...

1178. One on one time with my oldest
1179. Tiny patch of sun - enough for a grand adventure
1180. Success in our frogging!
1181. Sweet conversations
1182. Unsolicited hugs
1183. Random "I love you's"
1184. Speaking his love language

"Childhood is a journey - NOT a race." ~ Author Unknown

Jesus, help me to see... to savor.


Rachael said...

Curious minds are wanting to know...was Maurice a prince, or was he not? :-)

Kristi said...

you are soooo meant to be a mom of 3 boys...i could never do some of the things you do...i do always remember you loved kissing frogs, though...and i loved ya anyways!! :) you rock, Ame. really, you do...