My Life...

A beautiful mess....

Snatches of sacred amidst a whole lot of chaos.

A place where feet are forever dirty.
Where floors will forever need sweeping.

Where little boys "share" with their kitty...

Where my kitchen is in constant flux between preparing one meal and cleaning up after another, where school and play, learning and loving, teaching and reading take place at the table...

Where LIFE happens.

Frank Lloyd Wright once wrote:
"If you ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it...
But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life."

That's kind of like counting the gifts...
If I look hard enough, I can find them always.

If I invest - I can always see.

1167. Poison ivy for the sake of a handful of posies for his Mama...

1165. Exploded potatoes - but a supper of abundance...

1168. Learning (and forgetting) our manners...
1169. Little helpers in the kitchen.
1170. Irresistable sampling....

1171. Waiting. waiting. waiting for the sun. Garden exploding inside.

"I am attentive, aware, accepting the whole of the moment, weighing it down with me all here...I am a hunter of beauty and I move slow and I keep the eyes wide...and I could be an expert of the life full, and the beauty meat that lurks in every moment...It is always a practice of the eyes. We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see." ~ Ann Voskamp - One Thousand Gifts

"Lord, I want to see...." ~ Luke 18:41


Rachael said...

I adore your numbered gifts. Thanks for sharing them...
I'm off to order that book online now...I've purposed to do it a thousand and one times. Today it shall be done!
P.S. I'm pretty sure you need to burn/excavate/dig up/relocate your lawn to rid it of that cursed poison ivy! Just how do you cure perpetual poison ivy itch? I stand amazed at your family...

Kristi said...

I love it. I love those pics, and the way you are choosing to see the beauty...and, I agree with Rachael - you need to figure out a way to get rid of that poison ivy...let's talk soon - maybe this week?