Valentine's Day

I think it's one of my most fave holidays to celebrate.

It's just simple and fun.
Another opportunity to show the ones you love that you really do love them!

See! Ransom has decided that in honor of this Holiday, he's going to feed Risso her food by hand....bite by bite....while stealing little crunchy bites himself every once in awhile. That's true love, folks.

Last night, we set up the boy's places at the table with just a few little gifts of love. When it's unexpected, any little surprise is huge and appreciated.

Mama: "Ransom, what does the elephant say?"
Mama: "Close enough, my little third child...."

Eggs from my girles....

A big huge breakfast. Really, for a man (make that four man sized appetites over here), truly the way to their hearts is through a big ole breakfast. If bacon's included, Kaden knows that I REALLY love him.

Pink hot chocolate. We all agreed it tasted gross....but it was fun.

Aaaah. A great Happy Heart's Day Weekend....

And the best part is still to come.
My Love....well, he's taking me away.
Just us two.
With no hoolies in tow.
Heavens above.
I'm totally stoked.
We're leaving real soon.
Must go take a shower.
And try to look feminine.
Gonna' be hard to pull off.
Might even wear a dress for the occasion.
With Rachael's borrowed boots....(Have you forgotten about them yet, Rach?)
But no nylons. Bane of my existence.
There are lines you know. Standards.
I don't do nylons. And I don't iron.
I also don't bathe my kids very often or change their sheets.
But, we've already covered those things, haven't we?
Happy Heart's Day!


Rachael said...

have a great night away, love birds! :-)

Angie said...

Don't forget! A sexy pair of boots are good for outside AND inside! ;) Have a wonderful time! xox

Kristi said...

Hope your night away was lovely!!! :)

rachael a said...

haHA. . . im soooo glad you don't wear nylons. they still make those?
those would violate the terms of wearing such boots. . . which i have not forgotten about. . i've actually been worried. . for a good reason it would seem. . that you have grown attached :)
i would say they're coming home with me on tuesday. . but since im heavy with child :) and no black boots are in my near future. . i guess you can keep them a while longer. :)
hope your weekend was blissness.