
:: Farkle and coffee with Mr. Lew
:: Snuggles with Daddy during family movie night.

:: It's been a good one.....

And a poem I just came across that I love....
Here's to all my friends with boys....and busy girls, too!


We know who we are.
Ours is like one of those ancient, fraternal orders
whose identifying rituals
include elaborate hand signals and
mysterious primal grunts.
In McDonald's of course,
the cue tends to be
a series of short, repetitive barks:
"Sit down!"
"Give me that!"
"Come here!"
People who aren't in the club
look distainful, or annoyed,
or disgusted, or smug.
But fellow members grin.
Slowly, at first, as they
identify and empathize...
then broadly, as they catch your eye
and nod slightly to acknowledge
familiar phrases
and well-known responses.
"Boys are something, ain't they?!"
~Jayne Jaudon Ferrer~


Chantelle said...

Yeah, folks don't grin much at my rowdy crew. I get more glares of disapproval than anything. Ah well. :)

Life With My Joys..... said...

Chantelle - I laughed when I saw this poem because we got our share of BOTH when we went to breakfast the other day. As we were leaving, when I walked past one particular couple who we got some "looks" from, I leaned down and said: "Now, you can enjoy the rest of your meal in silence!" That earned me a little chuckle. Ah well. Tis the season!