The Little Big Brother

My youngest bro and his wifey came to spend the night with us last night. It was a very spur of the moment visit that started with a crazy phone call in the morning from him - trying to sound like a woman on the other line telling me that he was "in the woods somewhere cutting up a roadkill moose, and would we like for him and Jules to come up to see us and bring a big ole moose feed along with him?"

"Rock on!" said we. So up they came.

My "little" brother is a whopping six foot seven - a very large boy with a super intense personality to match. To give you just a little idea of this man's idea of a "good time" - he volunteered "for fun" to do a five night/six day survival course with the military where they first jump into a river and then have to fend for themselves in the woods for the rest of the time with no sleeping bags or tent to in like, they're doing it THIS month!

I don't know about you, but that's right up there on MY bucket list of things that I want to do before I die. That sounds like WAY too much fun for me.


He also likes to bring me gifts that are very.....uh....feminine and to my softer side.

Exhibit A:

(A roadkill moose shoulder)

Yup. It makes my heart all a-flutter.
(Too be honest....I am actually a little bit excited about this....)
Maybe this explains a wee little bit my #3 on the list that I made yesterday?
Just a smidge?


Rachael said...

Um....EWWW! Oh, and I totally think they need to video the whole wilderness thing and call it "Aaron vs. Wild". That boy rocks.

Chantelle said...

2 words. EEE and WWWW.

Kristi said...

Wow -- i had no idea that's what it would look like. crazy. and, i don't think i've ever eaten moose. gasp!! I am not a Mainer...just a little Island girl, where our wildest animal is...a fox or a racoon...not sure which. oh yeah- nope: coyotes...i think we do have those. I miss you 'little' brother...what a good fella.