Amy's Top Three

I hosted a game one time at a Young Mother's Tea. It was an M & M game, and the mom's were rewarded according to different items that I read off the list. Here are some examples:

~ Give yourself an M&M if you left a sink full of dirty dishes.
~ Give yourself 2 if you came to this event unshowered.
~ Give yourself 3 if you are wearing something right now that you wore yesterday.
~ Give yourself 1 if you have no idea what you're making for supper.
~ Give 4 if you left all of your beds unmade.
~ Give 3 if you haven't shaved your legs in a week.
~ Give 1 if you haven't brushed your teeth yet.

You see where I was going? We all tend to beat up on ourselves for all of the things that we don't feel we get done, or that we don't do right, or we compare ourselves to other's who we think have it all together. So, I decided it was time that we reward ourselves for some of those things! And it was FUN, because all around the room you could see the comraderie between Moms at similar stages in life who are doing the best they can...and you could see the laughter and relaxing in realizing that we're all in this together!

So, in honor of that fun little I give you the Top 3 things that I stink at, as of late, - (well, to be honest, ALWAYS....) when it comes to parenting/keeping house/doing what I assume "good mothers" do or whatever.

Just for funsies.....

(1). I'm horrible at making sure my kids get baths. My goal is once a week - preferrably the day BEFORE church...and not the day it was today. (Ransom gets more because he gives me such ginormous explosions that literally reach halfway up his back. I have no choice, the little dear). But, my two biggies...well, sometimes we're entering week #2 or worse before I chuck 'em all in the tub. Today was one of those "day AFTER church baths." I stuck the two littlest ones in the tub while I buzzed Kaden's hair in the bathroom, and then I threw him in there with them. THEN, I had to hose them all down after they got clean, because Kaden had a kajillion little black hairs floating in the water attaching themselves to everyone.

Yeesh. I'm exhausted. Baths are totally overrated in my book.

That's why I'm a fan of the naked slip-n-sliding in the summer months. I'm pretty sure they stay cleaner in the summer than in the winter.

2. I'm also quite wretched at changing their sheets. I honestly can't recall when the last time was that I dug under Kaden's most amazing stash on his bed and changed his sheets out for a nice, cozy new pair. HE doesn't care. He's quite happy in his filth. But, seeing as how I have NO idea when the last time was, I decided that today needed to be the day. Holy Hannah the crumbs and grit that rolled off of their beds! I'm pretty sure they're eating full course meals in their beds while Mama thinks their napping.

What's the proper etiquette in this, anyway? Once a week? Twice a month? I honestly have no idea. I always have fresh sheets on for company, and I sleep in mine, so I know when they're needing changing...but for the boys... I'm sorely lacking.

3. My mercy gift is really quite wretchedly low. It's probably good that I have only boys. Maybe it's because I was raised with all boys, or maybe it's because it's a whole different world up in the County - but for whatever reason....I'm pretty bad at it. I'm working on it. I really am. But, if one of them falls off the bench at the table for the zillionth time, or if the blonde one hits his head on the SAME doorknob for the 5th day in a just can't find where I placed my mercy. I guess I need to dig deeper. Lucky for my poor little Loves, their Daddy's mercy gift is off the charts. Usually my initial reaction is either to laugh or to say something like: "So, did that hurt MORE than yesterday's bonk, or about the same?"

So, there you have it. Three of MANY.
Anyone else want to play?


Rachael said...

Haha! This one definitely made me laugh hard! Okay my three...
1. I don't make beds. Like ever.
2. Sarcasm. Still working on that one. The girls have a complete lack of appreciation for my mimicking their whining.
3. Hair combing. With four heads of hair to do (including my own) some just don't get done every day. But then I pay the following day w/all the tangles and knots. Fortunately my eldest does her own most of the time. With girls & their long hair we can't get away w/infrequent showers, however if I had boys, I'd be right along side ya, Amy!

Sarah said...

1. Sheet changing is by far my worst. So glad someone else's family is sleeping in filth like mine :)

2. Mopping. I cannot remember the last time I mopped my floor. I'm kind of like...hey if I've swept and cannot see any large debri it's all good.

3. Dishes. I kinda stink at dishes. Yeah, they get done, but the dinner dishes usually don't get done until the next day when I've had a night to rest and build up the motivation to tackle them. As I type, there is a GIANT sink full of dishes from yesterday's meal I made for a new mommy, last night's dinner and this mornings breakfast. Oh just thinking about it makes me tired.

And this my friends has all happened since having children. Beforehand I was SUCH a neat freak...I'dve given you a run for your money Amy! :)

Thanks for sharing!