Happy Birthday, Jesse Micah!

I cannot believe that my baby is one today. Where has the time gone? I can so vividly remember twelve months ago today waking up at one in the morning feeling a little "off" and wondering if "this was it!" I had had to be induced with Kaden because of complications and was so praying to be able to go completely natural with this one. I had already been put on complete bedrest for two days straight because of symptoms of pre-clampsia, and I was so discouraged. Well, that morning, the Lord gave me the absolute greatest gift ever in giving me the birth of my dreams, but also in giving me another absolutely beautiful little boy who came out just a screaming!

What an intense little man we have; and what a delight he is to our family! He has completely turned us inside out and so totally changed the dynamic of what we look like now. It has been a crazy, wild ride these past twelve months - really not a quiet minute since he's joined us - and actually quite the funny farm now that I look back on the year - but what a gift these months have been.

I absolutely love this little boy. I never quite understood how moms were able to love their children equally, or how they could spread the wealth of their love to so many people. The love that I felt for Kaden was so deep and strong, I just wondered how I would ever love another as much as him - but it's true! It's like your heart just gets a little bigger and a little fuller and it just expands to hold another. Sometimes it feels like it'll explode!

So, to celebrate this joyous occasion of Jesse's birth, we took him to his favorite hospital and got his cast removed! What a way to celebrate, eh? He was actually a bit of a wreck today, so we're going to do presents and things like that another day when he is more rested and his naps are not so thrown. But he is quite thrilled to have both of his hands free AND to be able to have baths again. The highlight of his day was playing in the tub with his big brother once again.

What a privilege to be a Mother. What an honor and a humbling responsibility. So often I do not feel up to the task or equipped for this calling. But, I am so thankful that the Lord has given me these little boys on loan for however long He will let me have them. I am in awe of these gifts.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Well that went way too quick, oh my. Happy birthday Jesse!

We're gathering for bagels on Friday, will you come? Need a ride? Keri emailed... let me know! :)