Train 'Em Young!

As hunting season is upon us, I've been wondering what a year's difference will make with our little Kaden. Now that he's three and he understands a bit more about life, will it bother him if he sees that Daddy has shot a deer? How will the sight of blood affect him? Will it make him sad if he sees an animal that we read about all the time in his story books dead on our rooftop? You know - these are questions that I need to think through in order to prepare him for if and when the time comes!! His little heart is so tender and sensitive, I want to make sure that this won't bother him. As his Mommy, I want to protect him from unnecessary sorrow! we were driving through Core Creek Park last night, three deer ran across the road directly in front of us. Kaden pipes up from the backseat: "Hey, Daddy! Wouldn't it be fun to shoot one of those deer?"

Hm. He'll be fine.
Kev's so proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, baby-- made me laugh.