Day Trips

I am thoroughly convinced that our wee one is most content and happy when he is in the great outdoors! I always have the easiest days with him when we go on our day trips. Yesterday, Jesse had his first experience at the beach when we went with our dear friends Cory and Rachel to Long Beach Island. It was so much fun! We went to a secluded part of the Island where there were absolutely no people - it was like we owned the beach! The entire time, Jesse just laid on the blanket totally mellow and content, and then when it was nap time, I put him in his swing, and he slept for a good hour. Good times!

We left at 1:00 so the boys could nap in the car and so we'd miss the heat of the day. We didn't leave until dark, and it was so so much fun. Last week-end we checked out another state park and then walked around this fun little town, and the same thing happened with Jesse. He was mellow and happy the whole time. Hmmm.....bring on the day trips to the great outdoors!

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