Another Family Day

Today for our family day we decided to take a drive over to the Lancaster area. Both Kev and I absolutely love it over there - it's very soothing and calming to our souls. So peaceful, so quiet - so much land...and cows...and horses...and fresh produce.....and yummy farm smells. I really love the smell of barns and manure. Weird, eh?

It got us thinking about how much we'd love to own land again someday - lots of land if we're really dreaming. There is nothing that I would love more than to have acres of fields and wild flowers, a garden, a little stream....and I've always wanted really cute chickens that could just roam free all across our land!

I want my kids to grow up being able to just run around outside and to be able to roam and explore and conquer and imagine fun worlds! I'm getting a wee bit tired of the same old backyard with the same few rocks that we can turn over to find the same worms that we let go last week! This is why I love our trips to Lancaster. We just drive and dream and stop at all the little local farm stands to sample their yummy - and sometimes still dirty - produce. I love it!

It refreshes me and refocuses me so nicely - even with Jesse screaming much of the trip home! Good times......


Unknown said...

oh, i hear ya, ame. When I don't get my time outdoors and in the wild, i just start to ache inside! Sounds like a good dream to me. Peter and I have said so many times how thankful we are for our home, a little piece of country in the city. Sometimes when Nat and I are digging in the garden with the trees above us I can forget that I'm a city dweller...until the sirens start :)

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, too...I would love LAND...and gardens, and animals, and...a home...we dream big, too...and would love an ocean-view, and fields, and apple trees, etc...then sometimes, I think...I'd just settle for a little house of my own...but...hey, when you can dream, you might as well dream BIG, right?!...I'm getting quite tired of apartment-living myself...would love a place to call my I don't mind investing time and money you guys...wish we could have a real visit someday soon...I always remember going to your mom's so much in the fall back in our NBBI, I often think of you guys in the fall quite a bit...miss those days sometimes...