Kindred Spirits

An old friend came over today - with her three GIRLS! It was a super spontaneous visit, and after she left, I was struck with the thought that this just needs to happen MORE. Gone are the days of friends just popping in and out of each other's homes for some coffee or to borrow a cup of sugar! Life is too fast paced - we're all so crazy and caught up in our own lives to barely even give our neighbors a passing wave - let alone to actually schedule a good old fashioned visit! Well, today was different. Today, Life got put on hold, and we had ourselves some good chit chat, a hodge podge lunch, and the kids ran wild and free - as kids should do! Interesting dynamics - three boys and three girls all together, but one that worked smashingly! Not a bit of my checklist got taken care of today - no laundry, no baking to speak of, no cleaning, no weeding or working in my garden......but oh - something so much BETTER took place! Thank you for your visit, my friend. I LOVE YOU! It has been too long.

P.S. Your daughters are lovely. I shall give you six goats and a mule in exchange for each to be a bride for my boys.......


Rachael said...

What? Nothing accomplished? What is this you speak of? I recall the aroma of a loaf of bread baking in the mid-morning, and baked cookies in the mid-afternoon, a poopy diaper changed, and garden veggies picked. You are far too humble, love...not that it's a bad thing. And, indeed, we must be spontaneous again...sooner rather than later!

Shay said...

LOL! I'm always eying up the little girls at church as future brides for my little men. I'll have to remember your goats idea! :P