Happy New Year!

Hubby is sleeping in this morning, the boys are dancing around in their new matching p.j.'s, and I'm snagging a few minutes on this new morning in the new year to write a bit. When I was writing our Christmas letter, I was once again struck by just how much can happen in the span of one little year. I find the saying, "the days are long, but the years are fleeting," to be especially true when I look back over the span of a few months!

In 2008 we were living in Philly, we were students, our baby had surgery, somehow he became a toddler, somehow Kaden turned four, we celebrated nine years of marriage, we graduated, we moved back to our roots, we lived in two different places, Kev got a new job, we have a new church, and now.... we're in a new year! Insane.

I wonder what 2009 will hold for us?

Life is such a crazy adventure, and I like to hope that I'm up for anything. We'll see what the Lord has in store for us. Another baby? (Nothing to report. I just don't feel that our family is complete as of yet). Another move? (Oh Lord. That might not be my favorite right now! I'd be content to stay here for a few more months, at least). Homeschooling or Christian School? (If we go the Christian School route - we need to decide Kindergarten at five or Kindergarten at six? We're pretty sure we're going to wait until he's six. We're just really praying about the "where" and the "what" right now). Yikes. And who knows what else will take place?

As my kids grow, I am often floored and overwhelmed at the responsibility that I have before me, I get almost panicky at how fast time seems to be flying, I feel filled to overflowing with love and thankfulness at the gift that I have been given in them, and I feel completely inadequate, often frazzled, very blessed, and most generally happy and content! It's a good life, and it's been a good year.

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