My 300th Post!

Holy Canolli! Who would've known I would have so much to say that I've reached my 300th post?.....Ahem....don't answer that! :0)

So, I've been thinking a lot about this whole world of blogging lately. Mostly because of my last post, I guess, and because of friends who have posted similar things on their blogs.....and because of many recent conversations with friends.

And I think this whole blogger world is an awesome thing, to be sure.

The whole reason why I originally created a blog was to keep in contact with my friends from Maine while living in Philly. And now I do it not only to stay in daily/weekly touch with them but also with my frieds that we left behind in Philly! This sort of thing works really great for me because I'm not a real lover of the phone, but I do love to just kind of pop into people's lives (blogs) and see what's going on with them every few days.

However.....I think blogs are kind of like a "pseudo-life" that in many ways aren't totally REAL. Well, they are real to an extent....but they don't really show the true day to day lives of each of us....which can lead to people thinking each other's lives are maybe something more than they really are. Are you following me? :0) What I mean is, I tend to only post when I feel like I have something worthwhile to say, or when we did something that was worth posting - like something funny or cute or family oriented. I don't post about the mundane or the more bummer of days - especially in the moment. Because, in the moment, I don't feel like doing ANYTHING, let alone post something on a numb blog. Or if I DO post about them - it's when they are already said and done, so they don't look nearly as bleak as they did in the moment.

So, maybe certain people's blogs portray them as being totally exciting, or having perfect families, or always on the go and up for anything, or always painting and coloring and baking and doing crafty things with their kids - when REALLY they maybe only do that once a week and they chose that particular day to post. You know what I mean?

For example, I didn't write about Kaden and I hurling our cookies all day on Monday because I thought I'd spare people the juicy details. Nor did I write about how we all sat around in our p.j.'s and watched t.v. ALL day the next day because I didn't want people to judge me! :0) And there are other days where all I did was laundry, dishes, and made supper. Nothing to get up in the night and rave about - let alone post about. You get my drift?

So, I am going to try to find the balance of being totally real and "in the moment" about everything and anything and have my blog really and truly portray who I am, but also spare the oh so many boring details of our lives, as well...which happens more often than not!

Thus endeth my rambly post! Happy Thursday, everyone!

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