I love reading about other moms and their children.....their struggles, their lessons learned, their love for their babies. I love reminders to savor, reminders that childhood is fleeting, reminders that these - the right here and right now moments - these are the glory days. These are the moments to savor and to drink in. These days are not for wishing away. Not for waiting for life to slow down and for the crazyness to be over.
These days are about CHOOSING to slow down. choosing to stop. to listen. to get down on my babies' level and to look them straight in their eyes and to truly see them. Clean floors don't matter. Piled high laundry will eventually get folded and put away. Dishes will get washed.......

And my chilren will grow and one day be gone....and then I'll have all the time in the world for that other stuff.
Jesus teach me. Remind me. Show me how fleeting this moment of motherhood is. Help me love as You do. To see my children through Your eyes.
To savor.
1 comment:
Amy, you are so right on with this. How blessed we are to have our little ones for this short time in our lives.
I nominated you for a Lemonade Award. You can pick it up on my blog. :) Love ya!
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