Little Loves...

 Daily reminders of God's grace and goodness:

~ My most favorite coffee shop...and it's coffee.
~ ...And it'sThai Chicken lunch of deliciousness...
 ~ Family days and all that comes with them ~ reconnecting and just "being."
~ My whites getting sunbleached for days on end...reminders of my lazyness.
~ Our first week of school...and the routine it brings back to our lives.
 ~ Daily reminders.
~ My corn waving tall and proud.  It makes me happy.
~ Little boy haircuts that instantly make them look years older.
~ Our new swing made by Daddy.
 ~ Christmas gifts in the making.
~ Late night work conversations.
~ Fresh perspective.
~ Being humbled...watching God move in spite of me.
 ~ Honest conversations with old friends.
~ Kittens napping in my towel basket.
~ Whiskers in the sunlight.
~ Little boys eating garden cucumbers.
~ Pumpkins growing ... waiting for the orange.
 ~ Mid-morning bike rides with the hoolies.
~ Adventures at the bog.
~ Oh so sloooowly beginning the potty training of boy #3.
~ Lessons learning with Kev...and tracking together.
 ~ Birthday gifts from friends...and tomatoes ripening on my windowsill.
~ Early morning runs - soul soothing.
~ Intentional time at the kitchen favorite spot in the house.
~ Garden meals.
 ~ Beating the coons at their own game...and picking my corn before they do.
~ Dad's very last piece of fudge.
~ Cribbage and coffee with Kev each morning.
~ Bread rising on the counter.
 ~ Kaden's catch...and bringing it into work - still alive - to show me.
~ My co-workers giving much appreciated admiration.
 ~ Crayons, crafting, drawing, writing - always projects in the making.
~ Fall-like mornings turning into summer-like days and back to Fall-like evenings.
 ~ Pickles and relishes...
~ Shelves filling back up once again.
~ Gifts for for eating.
~ Humble hearts, healing words, and honest conversations.

My three crazy Boy Joys...

And thus, my Joy Journey continues...

"To receive God's gifts, to live exalted and joy filled, isn't a function of straining higher, harder, doing more, carrying long the burden of the super-Pharisees or ultra-saints.  Receiving God's gifts is a gentle, simple movement of stooper lower." ~ Ann Voskamp

"The feeling of joy begins in the action of thanksgiving......."

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