Three Things.....

My dear friend, Esther-la-Vista, just had a glorious idea for one of her posts that she gleaned from her super smart sister, so I am going to copy this idea, and anyone who reads either of our blogs - please do the same!

Share with the world three things that you are proud of that you accomplished in 2009, three things that you could have done better or maybe would change if you could, and three things that you hope to accomplish in 2010. Heavens, there are so many for me, I'm not sure where to begin. But, here they are in no particular order.

Three things that I am proud of:

(1). I LOVE being a wife and mother. I know that I'm not the best that there is out there, but I really do just love this stage of life that I am in right now. I'm proud of Kev's and my relationship - that we have stayed best friends, that we are continuing to grow in our love and friendship despite the crazyness of life, and that we are a team. I love being a Mommy to my three boys, and I am so thankful and feel so honored that God has entrusted each one to me.

(2). These past four years have really been a crazy journey of faith for our little family, and I am thankful than we obeyed and listened to the leading of the Lord in our lives. I think that a lot of people have probably thought that we were/are crazy, but I am proud to have a husband who cares more about what his Heavenly Father thinks than that of what others think and say. So, I am happy and content where we are at, and I have also learned - and am continuing to learn - to hold things loosely and really and truly be willing to go, and be, and do whatever God calls us to do.

(3). My two NEW gifts of "last" year - sweet Ransom Malachi and our new home. Two amazing gifts that are "above and beyond all that I could have ever hoped for or imagined." So so very thankful.....

Three things that I wish I had done better:
Oh Heavens....where to begin?

(1). I agree with Esther: Comparison destroys contentment. I worry far more about what others think than I should. Maybe it's just me - or maybe it's the plague of all women, but in many cases, I wish I had worried far less about other's opinions and ideas and cared only about the Lord's. Pride is an awful thing.

(2). I wish I had savored my kids more. I have a motto on my wall that is really more of a prayer: "Lord, help me to SLOW and see the sacred in the chaos." I have such a hard time being STILL and fully embracing life and just playing with my kids with no other agenda when there are things to be done. But the truth of the matter is that there will ALWAYS be things to be done, but I will not have my kids forever. This is a daily battle for me.

(3). I would have been more intentional in both my spiritual and physical health. Both tend to be sporatic for me - good spells and bad spells. But again - life will always be busy, and it will only get busier, so I need to be intentional about making time regardless.

Three things that I want to accomplish for this next year:

(1). I want to really savor my children and fully embrace all that comes with this season of life. I don't want to have any regrets. I want to learn each one of them as an individual better - what makes them tick, their love language, what makes them frustrated, etc. etc., and then, I want to be intentional about helping him grow and learn and love better. I want to be less mindful of all of the things that need to get done and more mindful of the things that are lasting and eternal.

(2). We need to make a decision about schooling for Kaden, so I want to really give homeschooling a serious shot and not be so concerned about failing, but really dive into it for at least a trial run and just focus on having fun with it.

(3). I want to be intentional about all areas of my health - physical, emotional, and spiritual - and use my free time wisely...consistent devos, exercise regime, and healthy meals and snacks.

(4). More random acts of kindness. I know - we were only supposed to do three, but this is my post! :0) I want to do more little things for people - like making random meals, giving random gifts, planning little teas for my young mommy friends, etc. etc. - making those that I love (and those that I even don't know, I guess) feel loved, appreciated, and special.

(5). Eternal things: Be still more, snuggle more, say "yes" more than I say "no" to my kids, not worry so much about my to-do lists, make memories, spend time with those I love, seek to be an encouragement to others, listen more than I speak.....

(6). And not-so-eternal things: paint and set-up the nursery, get Ransom's baby album started and brought up to date, grow a garden, have a compost pile, not get poison ivy this year, lose ten pounds, keep clutter at bay, run two miles a day, plan an anniversary party for my parents, go camping a lot, learn new things, be open to change and new ideas, make a difference............

whew. I'm exhausted.

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