A Week of Crafting

Thanksgiving is by and large one of my MOST favorite holidays. It isn't really commercialized too horribly, there are no gifts involved, and it really focuses on the simple and important things in life: remembering what we are thankful for, spending time with family and loved ones, and the biggy - FOOD! Ha!

But seriously, I really really love Thanksgiving.

So, in honor of this being Thanksgiving week, the kidlets and I are going to (try to) do one type of cooking or crafting project each day that revolves around Thanksgiving. And I'm going to share the ideas here because I think they're super cute - and I can't take any credit for them; they did not come from my own noggin' - and then maybe you can do some with your kidlets too!

The project that we did over the week-end was fingerprint Turkey cards. Very simple, only slightly messy (unless you're Jesse, and then you somehow manage to get the ink from head to toe!), minimal materials, and the craft takes mere minutes.

Here's what you need:

* card stock paper folded in half to make a card (duh)
* preferably a brown ink pad (I only had black, hence we have black turkeys)
* colored pencils or crayons
* fingers and thumbs willing to get inked!

Stamp your thumb for the body, your pointer finger for his head, and your pinky finger to make a fan of big ole tail feathers. Use colored pencils to draw in feet, his beak, eyes, and the gobbly thing that hangs down his neck (what's that called again?).

Easy sneezy, and super cute.

Then, make tons and tons to give to all the people you love!
Here's some pics of our masterpeices:

Kinda fun!

And they only have to remotely resemble turkeys!

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