Sunday Firsts

Ransom has been to church for the past three Sundays, and so far - each Sunday has held a pretty big "first" for him. On the very first week we went - he was just a little over two weeks old, and his little belly button scabby fell off. His brothers say, "Now he's a REAL little boy!"

Last week, I pumped and gave him his very first bottle because the mornings were too crazy to get the boys ready and him fed in time to be there at 7:30. I knew it probably wasn't the wisest time to pick for his very first introducation, but after a mild freak out, he took it quite nicely. We have to practice our songs as soon as we get to church, so I can't really feed him on stage - even with a nursing cover. So, this option worked out quite well. I sat on a stool and practiced our songs for the service with him laying across my lap. Both boys thought that this was equally as cool as his belly button falling off and each wanted a turn "milking the baby!"

But by and far - the very best first in this little guy's life happened in church yesterday. We were all alone in the nursery while I was feeding him. After I burped him, I just put him really close to my face and was kissing him and talking to him; and he gave me his very first "no doubt about it" smile just for ME! Oh - melt my heart, I just about ate him right up! We've been wondering if he's been doing it for the past couple of days, but yesterday there was no doubt in my mind.

Mercy. The deliciousness of it all!
I wonder what's in store for next week. A poo explosion all over Mama? That could be exciting......

1 comment:

Katie Burt said...

Hahaha, Amy, I love you. And miss you.