These Past Few Days......

Let's see here....

It's been awhile since I've posted. Our little family of five is getting our groove on. We're finding our rhythm more and more, and so far Ransom is still pretty chill. I'm still holding my breath, and I'm giving him until Christmas to become a freak out child. If he's still like "this" by then, I will declare us to have our very first relaxed baby. That would be nice!

He had his five week check-up on Tuesday. He's in the 90% for length at 23 inches, and the 75% for weight - almost 13 1/2 pounds. He's growing fast!

On Monday, my dearest childhood friend, Amber came for a visit with her little ones. Almost every memory I have of my growing up years involves her in some way or another! It was pretty special to watch OUR little kids play together and make some of their own memories! And her little girl can hold her own with my Jesse, so that works out pretty well! :0)

Tonight marked another first for me: I went out for a few hours with a friend COMPLETELY CHILDLESS! Kevy offered to stay home with all three so that I could have a little break, and it was so much fun! We did some antiquing, caught up on life, and just had a really really nice evening together. It was glorious!

And now the week-end's all good!

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