An Ode to the People in My Life...

...And the comments they've made during this pregnancy!

Oh there are SO many - I am dedicating an entire page in my scrapbook to all of them. I have been keeping a running list, but I seem to have misplaced it. So, this will be my reminder...

* Well, just today Jesse called me: "My Baby Chicken Precious Big Mama!"

* Kaden told Daddy a few weeks ago: "I love Mommy because she's so fat!"

* Kev has said: "I like it when you're pregnant. It makes me feel small."

* And when wearing a purple shirt the other day he called me, "Barney."

* On the 4th of July, Dad told the family: "If you're looking for the watermelon, Amy swallowed it!"

* When he saw a picture of me in my bathing suit Dad said: "Oh! Who's the whale?"

* My father-in-law said the other day: "You look like you got too close to an air pump!"

*And he also said: "If you get any bigger there's not a shirt out there that's going to fit you!"

* When my Pastor found out I still had 8 weeks to go awhile back, he said: "Eight weeks? Ooohhh, Amy!"

* A lady in my church, who shall remain nameless, EVERY time she sees me she says: "Whoa! You're HUGE!"

* Last Sunday during the meet and greet time, one of the deacons shook my hand and said: "You're looking especially large today! And that's a compliment!"

* After the funeral, someone in my family said: "Oh! So, you're getting a house? It looks like you're HAVING a house!"

* A fellow teacher at my school commented when I walked past him: "I'm a trained EMT. I could do if it I had too (meaning, deliver my baby), but I don't want to!"

* A little old man passed me in the school halls the other day and asked if I was having twins. I assured him it was only one. He said: "Oh! My wife was pregnant with twins and she was wearing a white shirt one day and I said, 'You look just like a Maytag washing machine!'"

*My cousin Jodi called me to try and get me to play in the alumni soccer game. Her message went like this: "Amy, our team is short handed, and you could probably pass as TWO players!"

And the list goes on and on and on! Those are just some of the classics!

Good thing I have thick skin. It's actually quite a big joke to me, and that's why I'm dedicating a WHOLE page of this little boy's scrapbook to these precious little remarks.

Good times!


Trish D said...

You are too funny, girly! Wanna know something even funnier? This was the next item in my google reader:

Rachael said...

I LOVE it! This made me laugh so hard today!!! Good thing you are so very easy going! I especially love your dad's comments...I can see him now...with his devilish "who me? grin"! All fun and long as they're saying those things PRIOR to the baby's arrival...

Chantelle said...

All I can say is these folks are lucky they're saying that stuff to someone as good natured and 'fun loving' as YOU, and not to me. ;)

Sarah said...

All of those comments and NO belly pictures to show those of us far away all of your wonderful largeness!? I'm disappointed :)