These Past Few Days.......

Whew has life been nuts lately!

I'll share some more in a few days, but for now, our biggest news is that we have a new little member that has joined our family! For my 32nd birthday, my three loves surprised me with a bunch of kitty stuff wrapped by Kaden and a promise that over the week-end we would go to the shelter and pick out a new little kitten!

This was a very big deal, which we all took quite seriously. We each chose a kitty that we wanted to "visit" with, we spent time with each little kitty, and then we all made a joint choice together. We weren't able to pick her up until today because she had to be spayed......interesting trying to explain that concept to Kaden......but she is here with us now and sleeping happily next to Kaden in his bed.

Now. This is SUPPOSED to be MY kitten.

But these two have fallen in love with each other, and I guess that's how life goes. This is the exact age that I was when I got my kitten, and she lived for twenty-two years!!!! She didn't kick the bucket until I was married. How nuts is that? Sooooo, I don't have the heart to take her out of his arms and claim her as my own.

Although, I WILL be sneaking in and claiming her to my own bed just as soon as I know that Kaden is fast asleep. We're going to have to share her!

Pictures soon to follow.......


rachael a said...

haha!! oh FUN! i can't wait to see her ! i am ready to get head to piles and piles of camp laundry and all the time i can spent with my two bebe sisters who are coming home with me. . but also i want to see you!! and perhaps i can sneak off some morning or evening whilst the aunties watch samsonite. :) miss you dear. loves!

rachael a said...

ok wow. . reading that over. . i missed a few key words such as. . home.. . head home. :) haha. kurt bought me a new lap top and i am no where NEAR getting used to it yet. i have such a hard time typing that lots of times i just leave out sords completyly.. . .see!