Back in Business!

We are back from traipsing around the countryside! I'll write more on all of that jazz later, but for now, I just want to say how much fun it's been catching up on everyone's lives via your blogs! Periodically these past couple of days, I've grabbed a cup of coffee and have just sat back and read entries whenever I've gotten a few moments, and it has been dee-lightful! Good times!

And now I'm about to be exceedingly lazy. I really want to comment on everyone's blogs, but instead, I'm just going to give ya'll a little comment here in this one post. I'm also too lazy to do the whole hyperlink thing. I promise that from now on, I'll comment on your sites. I know how much I love seeing little comments below each of my posts. But for now, here goes:

Shannie: Dearest, I hear ya! How I love your honesty and vulnerability and I am right there with you some days! As my Jesse becomes more independent I see that there are going to be many many more challenging days ahead. You ROCK, and you are an AWESOME Mommy! It was quite fun seeing you in action a little bit both when you were down here and when I saw you for those ten minutes at home.

Esther: I'm so glad that you were outside when we flew by your house that day! I love that I got to see the tiniest of baby bumps. And man - would we ever love to live beside you guys! That house is our dream place.

Sarah: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Whooo-hoooo! Sorry about all of the hurl-age. Hopefully that will end for you soon. Poor thing.

Jess-a-Poo: I love that I got to see you for even thirty seconds at Shannon's house. I'm frustrated that we didn't have more time. This visit was like a business trip. You guys just need to come out here again.

Shay: I LOVE YOU. You make me cry just about every time I read your blog.

Angie: How I wish you would update, but I loved chatting with you on the phone yesterday. I'll take that over written words any day. You make me laugh, my friend!

Shannon in Canada: Whew! Heavy posts! I agree with much of what you've written. Other stuff would be fun to chat about. How nice it would be to have a cup of coffee at your farm and hash through life. But alas - PA is just too far away.

Trish: I hope your memorial service went well and that you are not too fried. One last MOPS in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to catching up!

Alyssa: Oh Baby! The big day is only a couple of days away! Man, I wish that we could be there to celebrate with you and Naph. Huge Congrats, my friend. Blessings on your marriage. Much love.....

And Rachey Rach: Loved chatting with you before we got cut off. Hopefully SOON you'll have internet connection and a blog of your own. And hopefully soon we can meet up and go camping again for one last hurrah!

Katya & Kelsey: Update me on life at home this summer! Glad we got to see all of you guys for a couple of hours. Katie - thanks so much for playing with my quality time boy!

Okay. I guess that's all for now. I feel as though I just gave an Academy Award speech or something! Blessings on all of you! It's nice to be back in the world of computers and high speed internet access! :0)

1 comment:

Shay said...

I love you too! I enjoy reading your blog so much Amy. You have such joy in your daily life, and I love to come here and get some of that. :)