Simple Truths....

My new favorite verse during this stage of life:

Proverbs 3:3 - "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

An easy verse to memorize. I read it twice and it was done. But, man - it continues to penetrate my heart. Love and faithfulness. Doesn't that sum up motherhood pretty well? And truthfully - doesn't that sum up how we should live every aspect of our lives? This has become my consistent prayer for how I want to approach ALL of what I do.

I am with my boys ALL day - every day. I want them to see a mommy who loves them fiercely, who has a ready hug or snuggle, and who is not too busy to get down at their level and just BE - with them. I want them to NEVER doubt my love for them. And I want to be faithful in EVERY aspect of my parenting - in their training, their correction, their character building - all of it. When they look back at their years of living under our roof I don't want them to ever question Kev's and my love for Christ first and foremost, then our love and devotion to each other, and finally our love and faithfulness to them as their parents.

We will make our share of mistakes. God knows we've made them already. But, He also knows how badly we want to be a success - not in the world's eyes, but in His eyes alone - at this thing called "living." By the world's standards, "success" can be a pretty warped thing. But, Jesus measures success by an entirely different standard. He calls me to love and faithfulness. HE says that "in as much as I have done it unto the LEAST of these - I have done it unto Him." Kaden and Jesse are "the least" of these. Jesus calls me to love and reverance my husband. He calls me to faithfulness in whatever season of life we find ourselves in. If I live well as a wife and as a mother, than I am successful in the eyes of my Savior.

So, to Jesus - easing Kev's stress during this craziness of grad school is a good thing. Playing with Kaden and Jesse and filling their little love tanks is being faithful. Making my home a haven, never ceasing to get to know Kev - to truly know - him, always showing him the respect he deserves, being selfless, and loving him deeply - no matter what.....that is SUCCESS! Being faithful in all aspects of motherhood - even the mundane and the repetitious....even when it goes unnoticed and un-thanked......that is SUCCESS!

I don't want love or faithfulness to EVER leave me. And I want to constantly strive to love more deeply and to be even more devoted, committed, and faithful to my family and to my Savior. I want to be filled to overflowing with steadfast love and abiding faithfulness and committment to all things that please Christ. No matter what.


Shannon said...

Love it. :)

Anonymous said...

Me too -- great post, Ame - I always love to read your true, though - REAL success, and success as defined by so many other people...are really quite different, eh? What a challenge to keep our mind fixed on HIM and HIS desire for how we should live...what a great task, yet so simple, too. Hope you are having a great day today with your boys...again, wish we could just sit down and have a nice long chat over coffee...(for our mothers, it would be tea.)...I miss you, dear old friend...I'm determined to call you THIS week...hope to talk soon.